Chapter Eighteen

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Professor Snape gave Hermione her first ever detention in Potions one afternoon. She and Draco had been laughing quietly as they watched Neville grow increasingly afraid of his ferociously-bubbling cauldron. Usually Hermione wouldn't laugh, but they were brewing Calming Draughts, which wouldn't harm Neville whether he made it too strong or too weak.

The Ravenclaw and the Slytherin had partnered up for the lesson, and were already putting the finishing touches to their potion when they noticed poor petrified Neville. Not long after they'd begun sniggering, Neville's sixth cauldron had exploded, drenching the unfortunate boy in hot, yet calming solution. Professor Snape immediately performed Evanesco, even as Neville flopped onto the floor. He snapped at Ron to take Neville to the Hospital Wing and, once they'd gone, turned on Hermione and Draco.

"Why didn't you help Longbottom, Granger? You knew what he'd done wrong – it was obvious. And Malfoy, why didn't you conjure a shield to protect Longbottom from the Calming Draught? Do I have to spell everything out?" Hermione shook her head miserably. "Ten points each from your respective houses, and detention! Stay behind to discuss the severity of your transgressions with me."

Hermione didn't meet Draco's, or anybody else's for that matter, eyes and gulped nervously as the other students rushed out of the door to get away from the dungeons and Snape.

"Come into my office, you two," Professor Snape said, taking his papers from his desk and striding out of the classroom. Hermione followed at once, Draco right behind her, and they hurried to keep up as the Potions Master entered his dreary, drab office. Hermione, who had been in there before but hadn't looked around properly, was unsurprised to see how impersonal everything was, and shivered slightly at the near-freezing temperature.

Observant as ever, the professor clicked his fingers, and a fire ignited in the grate. Warmth enveloped the girl and she sighed appreciatively.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Now, we were meant to be discussing your detentions, weren't we?"

Hermione looked down. Draco mumbled something that she couldn't quite catch but sounded like:

"I'm sorry, Sir. Please don't be too harsh on us."

"I won't, Draco," Snape replied, and his tone sounded friendlier, if that was even possible. "I wasn't going to issue detention. I was actually going to ask if Miss Granger could tutor Mr Longbottom, and if you, Draco, could assist me if contacting Professor Dumbledore."

"Really, Sir?" She asked, surprised.

"Don't look so shocked; it's hardly the first time students have laughed at Mr Longbottom, and I've never issued detentions before." Draco coughed good-humouredly. "For that reason, anyway," he added, glaring at Draco, who smirked.

"Well, of course, I'd be happy to help Neville," Hermione agreed.

"And I'm always up for mischief," Draco commented. Professor Snape sent him a look, which the irksome boy ignored.

"Very well. Miss Granger, you may go."


"I hope you don't mind me helping you, Neville," Hermione said, as they settled themselves in the library.

"No, I'm just glad that I've finally got help," Neville answered with relief. "Snape isn't terrible, really, but he doesn't encourage students much, does he?"

"No, he doesn't," Hermione chuckled.

They spent a good hour revising techniques and various brews, when Neville suddenly fell off his chair, and crawled away behind Hermione's chair.

"Neville, what on earth are you doing?" She questioned, concerned. "Professor Snape isn't here."

"No, but Padma is!" Came an anguished hiss. "Make sure she doesn't know I'm here!"

"Neville, for goodness' sake," Hermione rolled her eyes, and straightened up as the pretty Asian girl approached the table.

"I could have sworn I saw Neville," Padma stated, laughing. She winked and Hermione smiled.

"No, I'm afraid he just left," she replied. "He had to go and meet Professor Sprout, I think he said, in the greenhouses," she said for Neville's benefit.

"Well, I guess I should look for him there, then." Padma gave a little wave and strolled off.

Hermione tapped Neville on the shoulder.

"You can reappear now," she explained, at his sudden jump.

"Oh, phew," he said, climbing back onto his chair, and resting his forehead on the table.

"So, Neville, what's the news?" Hermione asked seriously. "Do you, or do you not, have a crush on Padma Patil?"

Neville simply groaned.


A.N. This fic really takes a long time to update and I really need some good ideas, so, anybody listening, please help me!

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