Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Killing a dictator was an odd thing. There were many supporters of Voldemort's to uproot and imprison, and a whole lot of paperwork to be done. But, for the inhabitants of Hogwarts, all that was out of their minds. The Ministry was up to their eyes in work, but the liberators of wizard-kind had a well-deserved holiday to look forward to. 

It was time for the summer holidays. 

Exams were cancelled for the year, to Hermione's chagrin, and everybody else's delight. 

Harry and Draco were hailed as heroes and their names came closely after Professor Dumbledore's, Professor Snape's and Professor McGonagall's in The Daily Prophet's six-page blow-by-blow account of the proceedings.

It was surprising how quickly the world moved on. 

The Muggle world, after all, was still full of natural disaster after genocide after apocalypse, and the Ministry of Magic turned their attention to helping the Muggle Prime Minister solve all his many problems. 

Azkaban was packed, the population of dementors had been increased around its borders, and Fudge had been replaced by Percy Weasley as Minister for Magic.

Percy was delighted. Umbridge was sent to Azkaban for conspiracy to join Voldemort.

The Weasleys, buoyed by Percy's new pay-cheque and Arthur's promotion to head of the joint wizarding and Muggle national security scene, held party after party. Ron invited Susan Bones out on a date. He and Neville had a double date with Susan and Hannah Abbott. 

Harry, too, had an experience of feeling normal. He turned to Draco for advice, and received only ridicule.

"You don't know which Greengrass sister to pick? Are you serious?"

For a good minute, Draco rolled on the floor laughing, while Harry and Hermione eyed him with similarly disappointed looks.

"Draco, get up," said Hermione. "Give the man some advice."

"Well, it's simple, isn't it? Go for Astoria."

"Well, thanks I guess?"

"No problem."


Unfortunately for everyone involved, Rita Skeeter turned up at Hogwarts to get some first-hand accounts of the Ministry battle.

"Professor Severus Snape, 40, with grease dripping off his nose and unkempt hair, says he killed the Dark Lord Voldemort with one sensational blow-"

"I am not 40! And I never said that!"

"Professor Minerva McGonagall, keeping children in check since the 1940s, insists she had a hand in the proceedings-"

"1940s! How old do you think I am?"

"Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, a keen alchemist whose best achievement was in 1945, spent a great deal of the battle unconscious on the floor. Would you tell me, Headmaster, how that felt?"

This went on for a good hour with Minerva holding Severus back until even Dumbledore had had enough and banished Rita Skeeter from the school for good.

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