Chapter Twelve

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Hermione went to the only person she could. The person that Draco had seemed to trust, Professor Snape. She Disillusioned both herself and Draco and then hovered him down countless stairs, all the way to the dungeons. The Potions Master was reluctant to let her in.

"Who is it?" Asked he, the door open a crack, his dark eyes glittering.

"Hermione Granger," she replied. "And Draco Malfoy," she added, after a pause.

The man seemed momentarily confused, then waved a hand. Immediately, Hermione felt her Disillusionment Charm vanish. Snape's confused expression was replaced by concern. He opened the door wider.

"Come in."

Hermione entered warily, bearing the unconscious blond before her.

"What happened to Mr Malfoy?" Was the master's first question.

"Erm," Hermione squeaked, anxiously.

Snape gave her a glare. "Start at the beginning, perhaps."

"Alright," Hermione replied. "It went like this."

"I was looking for some peace and quiet earlier." Snape nodded impatiently. "And so I climbed the Astronomy Tower." Snape froze briefly. What was wrong with the tower? "Sir?"

"Continue," Snape flapped an irritated hand.

"Malfoy was there. He had something he wanted to ask me." Here Hermione paused. Could she find it in her to tell her sullen teacher about the dramas of teenage life? After all, he'd been a teenager once himself, as unimaginable as it was. She could spare him the details. "Then he told me to forget it. I told him it was impossible." Hermione realised she was being extraordinarily cryptic. "He attempted to erase my memory."

Snape glanced at her, then down at Draco.

"He didn't succeed, then?" He asked quietly.

Hermione shook her head. "I conjured a shield; it rebounded. It hit him."

Snape floated the Slytherin off the stretcher, onto his sofa. "What did he do?"

"He was murmuring gibberish," Hermione recalled. "He mentioned many names, including yours, and my own. Then he seemed to relax, and suddenly, he collapsed. I brought him straight here. He trusts you."

"And rightly so," Snape muttered.

He began a sweeping arch with his wand over Draco's body, producing soothing blue sparks. As he reached the top of his arch, his sleeve fell back and there a black tattoo was etched on his arm.

She glanced at him, and him at her.

It was the Dark Mark.


A.N. I apologise for not updating in so long, but I don't have a valid excuse, so... This is a short chapter, and I apologise for that too. I can't really remember whether Hermione knows that Severus is a Death Eater or not, so tell me if I'm wrong. And a nice cliffhanger to round things off nicely.

Next up: a confrontation, I think. And Snumbledore will be the one after that, considering I don't bother keeping to my plans.

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