Chapter Three

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While Hermione was studying in the library, a wispy white vapour shot straight past her. Curious, she followed the trail of vapour to the back of the library. Malfoy stood before the white form, and nodded as the substance spoke. She still wouldn't believe he was a Potter.

"My office, now," were the words spoken, sounding scarily like Professor McGonagall.

She watched as Malfoy peered round the bookshelves, and edged out of the library, with the wisp close in tow. She followed as he strode down the corridors, pausing only once for Umbridge.

"Professor?" Malfoy inquired.

"What are you doing with a Patronus, Mr Malfoy?" Umbridge spat. "One of the original rules, which I haven't edited, is that 'no magic should be used between classes in the corridors.'"

"This isn't between classes_"

"It still counts Mr Malfoy! Have you got any explanation?"

"Yes, I do," Malfoy stated boldly. "Although you'll wave it aside, no doubt. Due to the increasing number of Educational Decrees, the original rules have fallen off the noticeboard, and if you remember, for I believe you were Slytherin; below that is the fire. They are merely ashes now: no-one can remember what they were. It's such a pity," Hermione had never heard such obvious sarcasm in someone's voice, and secretly admired Malfoy's small rebellion; lying to Umbridge, though she supposed it could be true.

"Legilimens!" Umbridge screamed. Malfoy gave a cry of pain, and there was a thud, as though he had fallen to the floor. "Detention, for lying and cheek! Monday evening, at eight."

"But the curfew time_" SLAP. Hermione had never heard Malfoy sounding as weak as after the Legilimens had been cast on him. She would have to find out what it was.

"You, Mr Malfoy, are showing a rebellious attitude. Would you want me to tell your stepfather?" The malice in Umbridge's whisper was unmistakeable.

"No," came Malfoy's faint answer.

"Then go, and why on earth is your Patronus a cat?" Umbridge sounded astounded. "Why not a snake, like your house creature, and symbol of all Dark Magic?"

Malfoy's reply was heavy, once again, with sarcasm. "Many believe I am extremely stealthy, and due to that trait, I am like a feline animal. I stalk my prey."

He rushed away before Umbridge could answer.


Hermione, having found another way round where Umbridge was to find Malfoy, was surprised to see him dart inside Professor McGonagall's office. It sounded as if Snape was there too.

"_You need to stop acting imprudent, Draco; get into Dolores' inner circle. Quit joking around: she is the opponent, the enemy_" Snape was cut off by Malfoy.

"She's a pawn in this. Just another pawn to vanquish." He sounded bored. "Is this all you do in the Order; get rid of rogue teachers? Ooh, scary!"

"Be quiet, Potter," McGonagall hissed. Hermione was shocked. Malfoy, in the Order? What were they doing, trusting him? "Your job will be to find out anything, anything regarding Professor Umbridge and relay back. I trust you don't want your father to know? We can keep it that way, if you stick to the right side." Sternly.

"First blackmailed by Umbridge; now blackmailed by you! Is life not fair?" Malfoy seemed annoyed, from what Hermione could hear.

"Life isn't fair; you of all people know that, Draco," Snape pointed out icily. "You may go."

The door opened and Hermione hadn't had time to hide.

"Granger." Malfoy stopped in the doorway. "Naughty girl: eavesdropping?"

"Why would they trust someone like you to help them?" Hermione retorted. "A Slytherin spy? A double-agent?"

"Miss Granger," Snape exited the room, a strange expression on his usually impassive face. "Would you please answer why you were, as Draco calls it, eavesdropping?"

"You don't see many Patronuses seeking people in the library. Especially not your arch-enemy." Hermione glared at Malfoy: he glared back.

"Probably not cats with square-shaped markings round their eyes," McGonagall coughed behind Snape.

"Minerva, it was the most convenient way," Snape said irritably, "even if I did say it myself. And Draco was in no immediate danger. You see, he got here alright."

"After having his memory read, slapped in the face, and receiving a detention," McGonagall reminded him. Snape snorted. Perhaps Legilimency was mind-reading. She didn't like the sound of that: no wonder Malfoy had cried out. "The woman has gone as mad as a fairy-tale witch. You know, all those stories the Muggles have about witches cackling madly and brewing frog guts."

"To be honest with you, Professor," Malfoy put in fairly, "that sounds more like Professor Snape."

Snape looked livid. "I do not cackle."

"No," Malfoy acknowledged, "but when you tell off Harry, or give him a detention, you make a point of sounding amused, and softly laughing."

McGonagall seemed half-amused, half-bewildered. "Once you've stopped insulting your Potions master, Mr Potter, please head off, with Miss Granger in tow. Miss Granger, you cannot tell anyone, and however much you would like to join the Order, your decision does not count without a responsible guardian's permission."

"What about Malfoy?" Hermione demanded.

Malfoy replied for Professor McGonagall. "I don't have responsible parents. Also, they kind of support Umbridge..."

Hermione looked annoyed, knowing she should have figured that out before asking.

"Fine," she snapped and strode away. "Just don't use a Patronus next time, otherwise I'll follow it to the ends of the earth to find out what you're up to."

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