Chapter Twenty-Five

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Severus Apparated to the only person he knew he could go. He appeared, unsteadily, on a bunker of sand. The sea lapped greedily at the shore in the near distance. 

The night air was cold, but Severus Snape did not feel it.

"Who's there?" came a voice.

Severus knew the crack of Apparation could not be ignored.

"It is I, Severus," he replied, his voice slightly hoarse.

As Severus' eyes adjusted to the dark, he could make out a small cottage. Lupin stood in the darkened doorway, the door slightly ajar.

"Come in," he said, and beckoned the Potions Master inside.

"What is this place?" Severus asked, looking round.

There were a few photographs on the walls and scruffy books lined countless bookshelves but, other than that, the cottage was bare.

"I don't live with Sirius, you know," the werewolf replied with a small smile. 

"It doesn't look like you live here either," Severus commented.

Lupin frowned.

"I know it's not much but, if I have my books, I feel at home. My home is with my books."

"Believe it or not, I am not judging," Severus replied. "My home is less appealing and less homely. I inherited it from my parents, and it shows. This cottage at least has a smidgen of character."

Lupin looked surprised to have been given a tiny bit of insight into Severus' life, but he did not think on it for long.

"Why are you here?" he questioned. "We spoke earlier. What has happened since?"

"Voldemort happened," Severus heavily.

Lupin's eyes widened minimally and he seemed to take in Severus' unusually ruffled appearance. Severus never said You-Know-Who's name.

"A drink?" he offered.


Lupin led him through to a kitchen the size of a postage stamp.

"Take a seat," he waved a hand at the sofa. "You look like you need it."

Lupin waved his wand and a bottle of brandy poured into two glasses. He levitated one over to the grateful Potions Master.

"Many thanks," he said."

"Tell me what happened," Lupin demanded, sitting opposite Severus.

"Voldemort knows that the Order is aware of the prophecy. He, however, is not aware of how much we know about it and that we may be close to finding out its location. He knows that we know his objective is the Department of Mysteries. He knows we have sources in the Ministry, Unspeakables who have confirmed that said department is full of objects, one of which being prophecies. He does not know we know about the Hall of Prophecies, but he is concerned about traitors in his midst."

Lupin smiled wryly.

"Rightly so."

Severus did not smile.

"Voldemort has killed the Death Eater responsible for the blunder which enabled the Order to learn about his objectives. He was killed... tonight."

"Oh, Severus."

The Potions Master was silent for a moment, but then he spoke again.

"He wondered if the Order could possibly have learnt of these facts by other means. Only one person could possibly tell him that."

Remus gasped.

"No... he didn't."

When Severus spoke again, it was with difficulty.

"As you know, I cannot be interrogated using Legilimency; I am far too strong Occlumens for that. But there are other methods of extracting information."

To Lupin's credit, he did not instantly ask if Severus had revealed any information.

"How many times?" he asked softly.

"The Cruciatus Curse was used five times-" Severus replied. 

Lupin swore under his breath.

"-but it'll take more than a curse to break me," Severus finished. "I told him nothing. I swore my undying allegiance. Voldemort is convinced of my loyalty. We have to speed up the plan."

"Severus," Lupin said, "are you okay?"

Severus shrugged.

"Is anyone in a warzone ever okay?" he questioned rhetorically, but Lupin noticed that his hands shook when he placed his glass on the nearest table.

Lupin gave him a look. Severus met his gaze with more than his usual level of neutrality and a great deal of exhaustion.

"I imagine I'll be okay once Voldemort is dead," he said idly, "so let us ensure that happens."


The two men talked late into the night. By midnight, they had a plan they believed could work without a hitch.

"I shall contact Harry tomorrow," Lupin said. "I think it will come better from me."

"Undoubtedly," Severus agreed.

"You shall cast Legilimens and find the location of the prophecy-"

"-You're making this sound far easier than it is, Lupin-"

"-And then we shall assemble the Order."

"We will not tell Dumbledore," Severus said. "We can ask for forgiveness rather than permission. We need him when we fight Voldemort. We need everyone we can get. But only after we have found the location of the prophecy."

Lupin nodded. Severus thought for a moment.

"While I am using Legilimency, you and Minnie should recruit everyone you can. It does not matter if the other side hears of this; the plan will never be fool proof. Whenever we strike the Ministry, Voldemort will come to hear of it. Recruit all the people you can and we will go to the Ministry immediately afterwards."

He stood up and Lupin copied him.

"Remus," he said, and extended his hand.

He was so surprised that Severus used his first name that he shook the Potions Master's hand without question.


"I shall see you tomorrow. Tomorrow we end this war."

"Tomorrow we end this war."


A.N. Thank you for reading and please comment!!! :)

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