Chapter 45 | I forgive you

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C H A P T E R  4 5
| I  F O R G I V E  Y O U |

I didn't even process the foot that
appeared in front of me as I tripped and fell over. Landing smack into the ground as students snickered around me.

I turned around to see whom would do such a thing. Charlotte smirked with an evil twitch at the edge of her mouth.

"Lana, are you okay?" The teacher asked somewhat concerned.

I ignored the hatred glare that so badly wanted to come out and smiled genuinely. "I'm fine"

I stood up and found my seat. Luke gazed at me from the side and gave me the 'you're doing great' look.

I shut my eyes with exhaustion.

It was a new week and this one was bad. Charlotte had been doing everything she could to sabotage me. They were small things but they were ticking me off. Charlotte knew that. She was just waiting for me to explode.

The first time was when she stole my alarm making me late, and don't even get me started on explaining to mom who was home.

Then she proceeded to put gum in my locker sticking everything together, don't even know how she got into my locker.

Thirdly, she stole my phone and typed a message to Luke saying I'm done with him and we're breaking up. Soon later texting every guy in the school that they're hot and I want to go out with them. She only knew my password because of the book I keep with all my passwords, don't even know how she found it. And explaining to every guy was difficult. Especially Luke.

Next she spread all of these fake rumors of me which were horrible.

The next day she got spray paint and wrote inappropriate words all over my car. Cleaning it was hard.

And lastly, she told my parents i got detention for sleeping with a teacher, a rumor she spread. It took me a whole 3 hours to explain to my parents that it was a rumor. And trust me explaining that was hard, especially if they don't even know what a rumor is.

I was sick of being pushed around and having to fix everything. Charlotte was setting traps for me, constantly waiting for me to fall.

Quite literally.


Maya gave me an amused look. "She tripped you over?"

I held my lunch as we headed to our table. "Yes, on purpose"

She snickered. "These pranks are getting even more funnier"

I glared at her.

"And by funnier I mean they're so harmless but they seem to be annoying the hell out of you"

I took a deep breath. "No they're not. I'm calm"

She looked unconvinced. "Sure you are"

I saw a glimpse of a face before a container of spaghetti was spilled all over my top.

Charlotte stood there with a shocked face as she held the container and tray. "Oops, must've tripped"

My while top was covered in spaghetti and I knew I couldn't fix this top, it was ruined.

I clenched my fists as anger started to creep in.

"Oh so your saying that was an accident?" I asked.

Luke stood by me noticing the situation. There was still constant chatter around us but people close by watched the situation unfold. "Lana, don't do this" he leant in to whisper in my ear.

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