Chapter 5 | Busted

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C H A P T E R 5
| B U S T E D |

I stopped swinging around in circles on my chair. "What do you mean?" I asked. He has a secret. And I'm going to find out exactly what it is.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I've already told you too much. I can't say the rest" his expression was unreadable. For a second I thought I saw sadness. Maybe I was only imagining it.

I knew I shouldn't push it but I couldn't help it. Bad girls aren't meant to be nice.

"Look, I have my sources. If you don't tell me now I'll eventually find out" I blackmailed him.

He glared at me. "Stay out of my business. All you need to know is that I came here for a fresh start"

"Running will do you no good. Your past follows you everywhere"

He shut his eyes for a minute. "Then I'll keep running"

I made a mental note to find out what his secret is. I know I shouldn't be asking but I need to know.

I could tell this conversation was over. The tension in the air was getting thicker by the minute.

Right on cue my stomach grumbled. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna go grab something to eat" I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

"Sure, go make yourself at home" he yelled at me.

"Thanks!" I yelled back without a trace of sarcasm.

I opened the pantry and found food. There was a container of cookies. I smiled proudly at myself for finding them.

I grabbed the container and made my way back to his room. He was still sprawled out on his bed.

I sat back on the chair and crossed my legs taking a cookie and eating it.

He stared rather dissaprovingly. "Mom's gonna kill you for eating that"

I shrugged after finishing one. "Who said I ate it. It could be you? After all, who would she trust? Her annoying son or an innocent bystander?" I smiled an evil glint evident in my tone.

He gave me a pointed look. "You wouldn't dare"

"Try me"

He sighed and grabbed his phone. "Okay, you need to be a good girl in how long?"

"A few months"

He nodded getting up and grabbing a whiteboard marker.

He leaned over the desk where a big whiteboard hung. He wrote something in neat cursive writing.


I pouted. "No way! Not my clothing" my eyes went wide.

He nodded. "Yes clothing. I'm being honest right now, you look like a slut"

I scowled. "Jeez thanks" before muttering "way to make a women feel better"

I thought back to the good girls at our school and what they wore.

"Please no, I don't want to wear knee length skirts" my eyes held disgust.

He rolled his eyes at me being dramatic. "You are buying new clothes. Knee length"

"Mid thigh" I challenged.

"Just above the knees"

I sighed in defeat. "Fine" I crossed my arms childishly.

He then wrote another three words on the board.

Early to class

I nod my head. "Pretty easy"

He gave me a pointed look. "Every period. If you come late to one class your mom will know" he warned me.

Sitting at the front

My patients was now running thin. If I had to sit at the front that means I can't sit with the others. Which means I can't talk to them. Which means they'll suspect things.

"But what about my friends?" I ask.

He shrugged casually. "Make new friends, heck you can even sit with us. Just cut off all your connections with them. You and I both know they're a bad influence on you"

I felt speechless. I can't be friends with them? Which means I can't be Mike's girlfriend..

Dump him

He and I knew exactly what that meant.

"He's a douche Lana" he honestly replied. The way my name rolled off his tongue gave me chills.

Focus Lana. Why am I crushing on a good boy? Well he said before he's a bad boy- was a bad boy, now a good boy.

Why am I even having this conversation in my head?

I looked up as to what I have missed. There was another two words on the board. This list seems to be growing so long. Soon it'll be endless.

No parties

I knew this was coming. My mum always finds out when I do go so I can't. I nodded despite the urge to shake my head.

Hopefully this was the last one.


"Does this mean I have to pay attention in class now?" I ask with my last glimmer of hope.

He nodded in a serious matter. "Your mother can easily see the scores you've been getting so you have to do well"

I didn't speak so he went on. "But knowing you, you'd still not learn"

I scowled at this. "What's that meant to mean?"

He ignored my last comment. "So I am going to tutor you"

I stared at him rather disgusted. "Your gonna tutor me? How do I even know your qualified to tutor me?"

He walked over to his desk and grabbed a folder which had a piece of paper in it. He gave it to me and I snatched it off him.

It had about 20 assessments on it, all recent with their scores on it. 90%. 95%. 90%. 90%. 95% 90%.

They were all the same, consisting of 90% and 95%.

My eyes landed on a particular score. 85%. It was the one and only score in the 80's.

I shook my head at him rather ashamed. "85% shame on you"

He snatched it from me. "And what score did you get?"


So how was this chapter? What do you think about Lana's new set of rules, easy or impossible?

Hopefully updating soon.
Remeber to comment and vote.
~ Ashley

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