Chapter 18 | Being gifted

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C H A P T E R  1 8
| B E I N G  G I F T E D|

I groaned rather frustrated. It was 8:47 and we are trying to get a car park. Trying being the key word. Luke was driving 10 kilometres per hour, literally. "Will you speed up? We're going to be late" I groaned rather angry.

He gave me a death glare. "It's a 20 zone" he pointed out.

"But your going 10" I childishly crossed my arms over my chest. "There!" I exclaimed happily and pointed to a free car park.

He drove a little further and turned into the car park but stood on the brakes making us halt.

"There better be a good explanation for this, like there's a meteorite going to crash in front of us or I will physically kill you" I warned him and looked ahead as to why we had stopped.

A girl from our school was walking calmly across the space, completely unaware of our existence.

I was on the verge of killing someone as the first bell went. "Run her over" I said without a trace of sarcasm.

He stared at me like I was crazy. "You can't be serious?"

I sighed angrily and leaned over Luke and honked the horn 20 times. The girl jumped from fright. She put her middle finger up at us and kept walking at the same pace.

"She's lucky I'm not the one driving right now" I glared at her hoping she'd trip over something and fall.

Luke quickly parked and we both got out. I started running towards my class, Luke following close behind me. We finally got to our first class and the second bell hadn't gone yet. I yanked the door open and rushed into class just as the bell went. I saw the teacher get the detention slip out

I pointed my index finger at him. "We are not late, do not even touch that slip" I warned him giving him the deadliest glare I could muster.

Normally, I would never do that. But from the morning I've had, getting a detention slip would mean that I could've had a nice shower and straighten my hair. And there would be no difference. I'd still get the same detention slip.

He gulped and put the slip away. I let go of the breath I was holding.

I sat at the front as Luke also sat down.

Luke raised a brow rather amused. "Why today do you insist on not being late, any other day you would've been ecstatic about coming late" he questioned.

"I did it because of the fight I had to put up this morning to get here" I pointed out.

That was partly true.

He stared at me unconvinced. "And.." He drew out.

I gave up and put my head in my palms in misery. "Because my mother is having tea with me this afternoon and she said it was important. And if I came late this morning she would know"

He rolled his eyes at how dramatic I was being.

"I'm not being dramatic" I read his thoughts.

"Yes you are. I mean look at me. I haven't even looked at the mirror this morning. I literally put on some random clothes and here I am. And I haven't complained about it until now" he pointed out annoyed.

I couldn't help my eyes raking over his body. His clothes matched perfectly and his hair had the touseled look, which in movies would have been styled 20 million times to get that perfect look. My eyes trailed up to his face were his high cheekbones and dimples were. He was utterly gorgeous. And he literally only just got out of bed.

The Good Boy And The Bad GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora