Chapter 14 | The one

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C H A P T E R  1 4
| T H E  O N E |

The bell rang signalling the end of the day. I grabbed my handbag and hopped in my car leaning against my window rather tiredly. The passanger side barged open. I immediately sat up straight but it was just Maya.

She scanned me. "Aww poor baby, hard day?" She mocked me.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Shut the fuck up"

She raised her hands up in surrender and shut the door behind her as I started to drive. "Jeez, just being nice, no need to be a bitch about it"

The car erupted in silence.

"So.. what happened earlier?" She asked giving me a look.

"Nothing did"

She stared at me. "I know this conversation isn't going anywhere anytime soon so I'm just gonna skip to the chase. I know you want to know about Luke's past. I will tell you a bit about his past in exchange for you spilling whatever happened. But you can't tell anyone that you know"

Luke's past caught my attention.

"Deal" I replied without much thought.

"You go first"

"To sum it up my mother wants me to change in terms of attitude, clothes, friendship groups and scores. If I don't then I get sent away to boarding school. That group also know as the popular group was my friendship group. Basically the main guy spreaded rumors about me so I dumped him. Now here we are"

She stared at me weirdly for a minutes trying to process the information.

"Well.. at least you have me" she smiled suggestively.

I rolled my eyes. "Now, Luke's past"

She sighed. "I promised I'd say nothing about it"

"Hey, you can't back out now" I gave her a look.

She shut her eyes in frustration before opening them. "Luke used to be the typical bad boy of the school. He had a girlfriend. Not just any girlfriend, but the one-"

"The one?" I raised a brow.

She ignored me and went on. "He thought she loved him. And he loved her. Basically she broke his heart. Not only that, but she broke him" she sounded angry. "He changed from then on. He was a laughing stock at school. He did things, that was wrong" she frowned.

"Like?" I asked.

She shook her head. "That's not for me to tell. Eventually I found out and told mom. Luke insisted on a new identity and moving areas. So we did.. and here we are"

I needed a minute to process all of this. He was a bad boy. But there was a girl. I became angry at her. Whoever this girl is better never meet me. And what did he do. Wrong things.. did he drink? All of these thoughts ran through my head. I need more answers. I need the full story.

"Who's the girl?" My grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"I can't say, that's at least one promise I'll keep" she said before jerking up. "You won't say anything, right?"

I nodded before half smiling.  "I won't"

She nodded and relaxed back in her seat.

"Anyway what's your plan for the night? Homework?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Going to a party with Riley"

I smiled in amusement. "Oh so you do like Riley?"

"No" she replied instantly. "It was the only way I could get rid of him"

"Is it your first party?"

She slightly nodded.

"Make sure you don't drink, first party I drinked, maybe a bit too much.  Woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and no memory over what happened. Later I was shown videos of all of the stupid shit I did" I laughed with humour. "Somehow my mom saw them and it got ugly"

She nodded understandingly not pushing for more.

I bandaged my knuckles up and started stretching. "So, what happened?"

Stacey snapped out of her daze and mirrored the same stretch. "It's Mike"

I turned my back to her and walked over to the punching bag. Stacey held the back of the bag with her hands, keeping a tight grip on it.

"What about him?" I asked not really wanting to know.

"Mikes been spreading rumors lately-" she started.

I clenched my jaw and punched the bag.

"-he says that he broke up with you and you didn't want people to think he did that to you so you lied.." she spoke in a rushed voice.

I punched again, the anger boiling inside of me. "He broke up with me? What a lying manipulative asshole" I mumbled curse words under my breath. "Does everyone believe him?"

"Yes, but that's not all" she smiled sympathetically. "He's also been talking about how you're trying to get with Luke to make him jealous. Apparently you were begging to get back with Mike" she winced at the words.

I took a deep breath, my eyes stone cold. "Its okay, I'm ok, it's just rumors, no one actually believes him" I tried to reassure myself.

"Everyone believes him though" she added on quietly waiting for my reaction.

I punched the bag so hard it flew right back, Stacey saw the blow and immediately stepped aside, knowing she'd fall if she stayed there.

Someone came over and steadied the bag. It was surprisingly Luke. I then remembered that it was Monday, and Luke said he goes here at this time. Whilst I go here on Tuesdays. He wore grey sweatpants and a white singlet. My eyes were glued to his muscles. His hair was swept back and he stared at me with his green emerald eyes.

He raised a brow. "You done murdering the bag?" He asked.

"I gotta go, see you later" Stacey waved to me and grabbed her bag and left.

I closed my eyes in relaxation before opening them, he stared at me in amusement.

"Nope not yet" I controlled my anger.

I sat on the bench whilst he stood infront of me. I started taking the bandages off my hand. "You know, I'm starting to think your stalking me"

He scoffed. "Your the one stalking me. My boss told me to check out mad women over here"

I didn't find humor in his response.

He sighed before asking, "What happened now?"

"Nothing did"

"So your saying you murdered the poor innocent punching bag for no reason?" He asked.

"The so called innocent punching bag annoyed me" I accused it. He raised a brow not taking my story. I sighed. "Mike and the rumours he spread"

He nodded understandingly. "Oh, those rumours"

"You know about them" I asked surprised.

"Everyone does, and they're just rumours" he pointed out.

"Easy for you to say, it's not like your the centre of attention" I mumbled.

The edge of his mouth tilted up."Actually I am"

I felt stupid. "Right, I knew that"

"I better be off" I stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you then" he walked off.

I stared at his retreating figure before grabbing my bag and leaving.

Only if I remembered, that there was a family dinner tonight, and I was late.

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~ Ashley.

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