Chapter 29 | New girl

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C H A P T E R  2 9
| N E W  G I R L |

"Did you see the new girl?" Stacey asked disgusted.

"No. I can tell you already love her" I smiled at Stacey.

Stacey rolled her eyes. "She walked into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt!" She exclaimed.

"And where were you looking?" Maya jumped in raising a brow.

Maya and Riley were sitting in front of me as Stacey sat at the end of the table. Matt sat on the other end and Luke sat next to me with his arm casually draped around my shoulder.

It was a small gesture but it made butterfly's erupt in my stomach. I felt like a love-sick girl. And it felt really weird.

"Ahead of me" Stacey stated.

Maya nodded slowly raising a brow. "Really?"

Stacey gave up and crossed her arms over her chest in a childish matter. "She wasn't looking where she was going"

Maya smiled. "The way I recalled it was that a new girl came to school. Smart, nice and innocent. I was asked to show her around and I did. She was looking at her subject list when someone ran into her because they were too busy looking at their phone" Maya explained raising her brow at Stacey.

I resisted the urge to snort at Stacey. "What was the reason this time?" I asked knowing there was a valuable reason as to why Stacey was staring at her phone. Like stalking famous people.. or texting a friend.. or just reading gossip.

"Kylie Jenner named her baby" Stacey explained with excitement.

I shook my head at her with amusement. I looked over at the others to see Luke, Matt and Riley getting along really well. Like they've known each other forever.

Stacey stood up and brushed her skirt, an evil smile playing on her lips. "Hottie 9 o'clock" she started leaving the table.

"Its actually 4 o'clock" Maya corrected her looking at where she was heading.

Stacey gave Maya a playful glare before turning her attention on the poor innocent blond guy. Who I felt extremely sorry for.


I scurried through my bag to find my keys.

It was weird that my mom was home. She's been home for three days this week and it seems really odd. I knew she said she'd try but I didn't think she meant it.

I successfully found my keys and unlocked the door as I stepped inside.

Mother stood by the door with dad next to her.

"Mom, dad" I said nodding to both of them. "You don't have to greet me at the door"

The other two times they've been home was a tad bit awkward. Mainly just trying to make small talk; all about how school was going and how my friends are going. She actually asked me what I had for lunch. And she made it sound sincere. I still have no clue as to if she's acting or not.

But this seemed serious. There was a certain tension in the room I could feel.

Mom smiled a little. "How was school?" She asked.

I nodded. "Great, how was work?" I asked to the both of them.

Dad answered. "Going quite well. Feels like I haven't seen you in ages" he said walking up to me and hugging me.

I hugged him back and smiled at his forgetfulness. "You saw me a few days ago"

He frowned as he pulled away. "Really?"

I rolled my eyes at him as mom also did and she led us towards the dining room. There were plates filled with small snacks. Like high tea.

"Please sit, I want to talk to you about something" mom said sitting down.

I sat down as dad did. He took a newspaper up and started reading it. I took a strawberry macaroon and nibbled on it as I stared at mom.

She tried to ease the tension. "So your father and I have been thinking that you should get a part time job"

"Your mother thinks" dad corrected innocently.

Mom glared at him. "That's not helping"

He ignored her and continued reading the newspaper as I finished eating the macaroon.

"So you want me to still keep my grades up and get a part time job?" I asked. Passing tests was already enough pressure. I've done 12 tests altogether since I've started doing the tutoring and I've passed them all. Quite easily. But the pressure of a part time job will kill me. I know some people can handle it but others, like me, can't.

"Well you've been doing so well in school for already three weeks so I thought that you'd have heaps of spare time in the afternoon to do it" she shrugged.

I gave her a pointed look. "Homework mom. The teachers give us homework that is due the next day. And if I get a job I won't have time"

Mom gave me a pleading gaze. It was quite suprising. As mom's never literally begged me to do something. "If others can do it then I know you can" 

This was the first time that she's said that to me. This time a year ago she'd say I'm not even trying and I should just give up. The first part was true though, I never did try. But I'm pretty sure parents aren't meant to pull you down.

"Fine" I simply shrugged 

This time dad looked up with a shocked expression as mom sat there with a proud smirk. She held out her hand as dad passed a twenty dollar note to her as he grumbled under his breath.

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave them a dissaproving look. "You made a bet on me?" 

Dad looked at me with hope and confusion. "Why would you just agree?" He asked eyeing me like I was hiding something. I sat there with a blank expression, enjoying how my father gets annoyed by not knowing what I'm thinking.

"Shush, she's agreed leave it there" mom scolded him, wearily.

But dad kept going with a look if determination. "Normally you would name conditions"

I nodded my head agreeing with dad, enjoying the uneasy look that spread across his face. "Actaully I do have one condition"

Mom glared at dad. "See, now look at what you've done"

She looked at me. "What is it?"

"I get to choose where" I stated.

She instantly groaned. "Where?"

I sat there thinking for a moment. "Well I could work at McDonald's or KFC-" I started as disgust filled my mother's eyes.

"No" she instantly said.

I stared at the ceiling speaking to myself. "And I suddenly have no time for that job"

Mom was trying to keep her calm. "Fine, you can choose. But I have to approve before you start"

I smiled. "Deal"

Mom smiled whilst dad looked bored.

"Now that we've got that over with, let's start before the food gets cold" mom said grabbing her food.

I was thankful that she didn't ask about school. Because I am so sick of school.

"So how is school going?" She asked.

I groaned. "Spoke too soon" I mumbled under my breath.

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~ Ashley

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