The ball..[chapter twenty six]

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Xoxo -E

Chapter twenty six••

Addison's POV~

It's now Friday after school and me and the girls are going dress shopping. I know it's very last minute considering the ball is tonight but this is when I have time. Megan is coming with us because she has no other friends because she's a vapid girl so yay!

We all went home to drop off our things from school while getting money and food and then I went to pick up each girl from there house. I got Lindsey first then Kate then Megan. We drove to the mall just listening to music because it was all awkward for us considering Megan was around.

When we got to the mall we all got out and decided to go to the malls boutique. Even though it was last minute and all the good dresses were probably gone we still had to try. Remind me to be better at this when prom comes around the corner.

The charity ball is a ball we have once a year for charity... obviously. People dance, eat, bid and everything. I've gone to it my whole life but never with a date.

As we were walking around a lady that worked in the shop came up to me asking what I was looking for when I told her for the ball her eye lit up and she said. "Size 1 correct?" I nodded my head.

"I have the perfect dress for you. I'll have to find it in the back I've been saving it for a beautiful girl worthy of its beauty which is you." With that she left to go find it. That was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard in my life.

As she was in the back looking for the gorgeous dress I helped Kate and Lindsey. They actually found dresses quickly I guess this boutique restocks quickly and most dresses are one of a kind.

Kate picked out a gorgeous tan and black dress. It was tan on top with almost black circles that added a pretty designed to it. It went down to tan but had a black see through fabric over it. It was pushed out a little more instead of skin tight so the dress could move. When she tried it on it looked beautiful. (Picture up top)

"Oh my gosh Kate you look amazing!" I said.

"I totally agree!" Lindsey said.

"It's not bad." Megan said. Yuck! She's just jealous that she wouldn't look like that in a dress.

"I love this dress!" Kate said. Her being happy and being able to find a dress made me even more happy.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"Only 300 so we're good!" Kate said with a smile.

Our family aren't rich like the Knights but we do have good money that we can spend quite frequently. Which I'm beyond grateful for.

Lindsey then went in to try on the dress she picked and when she came out I was also in aw. It was and all black tight dress with spaghetti straps. On the top layer before it dies down into the black is a see through layer with a design of silver sparkles lines that twist which is also at the bottom of the dress to show off her calf's. (Picture up top)

"You look stunning Lindsey!" I said with a huge smile. It's never been so easy to pick out dresses.

"You can rock anything!" Kate said.

"It's alright." Does this girl have a filter because I'm going to lose mind and hit her!

"This is the one!" Lindsey said.

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