Never rest..[chapter twenty four]

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Chapter twenty four••

Addison's POV~

"Did you tell him?" Luke asked.

"No" I said looking down.

"She doesn't need too." A familiar voice said.


Oh shit. What did he hear? Did he hear the part about Josh oh my god I'm so done.... I dont even remember what I said.

"Jake?" I breathed out.

"Obviously." He said in a tone that was to petty for me. Yep he heard.

"How long have you been there?" Luke asked.

"Just about the part where you asked if I forced her to do anything." He said through grinned teeth.

We all stood there awkwardly....

"You really think I would do that Luke? I thought you knew me better than that!" Jake shot out giving Luke a cold glare.

"No I didn't think you would do that with Addison I just had to ask because she's my best friend and don't get all mad at me for asking. Remember Sierra?" Luke said also coldly.

Sierra? What happen with Sierra?

"You wouldn't?" Jake said.

"It's already in the open now so you mind as well say it." Kate said following by Lindsey elbowing her in the side.

Jake then looked at me with a pleading look on his face. "Addison it's not what it sounds like!" Jake said.

"You forced a girl to do something?" I said in shock taking a step back.

"No!" He snapped.

"Yes!" Luke said under his breath.

"Your pushing the wrong buttons knotts!" Jake said to Luke using his last name. Luke just shrugged clearly not scared by Jake's action.

"We need to talk... about everything!" Jake said looking at me. He deserved a chance to give me an explanation he was my boyfriend after all.

"Okay, lets go up stairs." I said as I went up the stairs and Jake followed.

We walked in and I shut the door behind me.
"So talk." I said in not the nicest tone.

"I'm not the only one who needs to talk! Why wouldn't you tell me you felt uncomfortable?" He spat.

"Don't try to change the subject! This is about you!"

"Ok fine. About a year ago Sierra was drunk and I slept with her. Yes I took advantage because she was drunk but I never forced her to do anything. She wanted to sleep with me. I felt terrible after because she was drunk." He said flatly.

"So why does Luke think you forced her?" I asked coldly.

"Because the next morning I told her it was over and wasn't going to happen again and she didn't like the fact of being used. So she went a told people I forced her... a lot of people didn't believe her because she sleeps with everyone but some were convinced. It was a time when me and Luke weren't on good terms so he got even more convinced." He finished.

I then wasn't mad anymore it made perfect sense. I don't think he's that type of guy. I know him.

"So now it's your turn to talk Addison." He said in a serious tone.

"Nothing to talk about!" I said walking towards the door but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"No you don't get to do that!" He snapped. "You didn't like it and never told me... how am I suppose to know anything if you won't talk to me?" He snapped again.

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