Night flow.. [chapter twenty]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

Xoxo -E

Chapter twenty••

Addison's POV~

My date with Jake on Monday went really good. We went to this beautiful Italian restaurant and the food there was delicious! Only problem was he kept taking my garlic bread... not funny. We then went to the movies and saw a horror movie much to my enjoyment... much.

I think he liked this setting very much because the whole time I was in his arms hiding. I mean what guy wouldn't like a girl scared in his arms...?? I'll wait.

We had a make out session during the movie that got a little steamy if you ask me. I pulled away and told him to watch the movie before we formed an audience.

Now today is Friday and I couldn't be happier honestly. I apologized to Josh and he did the same, I don't think he knows I went to his house though. I also don't think he knows what he's apologizing for.

It was now lunch time and we were all sitting on the bleachers because Luke and Lindsey had an idea they wanted to share with everyone. When I say everyone I mean Lindsey, Kate, Luke, Clay, Josh, Jake and I.

"So we have an idea on something fun for all of us to do tonight." Lindsey said.

"So say it already!" Jake said and I elbowed him in the side.

"Ouch Love save the violence for later." He said with a wink. Ew! I then elbowed him in his side again and he raised his arms in surrender "ok I get it I get it."
I then gave him a satisfied smirk and directed my attention back to two of my best friends.

"We are all going to go to night flow tonight." Luke said. Night flow? What's that?

"What's night flow?" I asked in a confused tone and everyone starts laughing.. even the girls. Well thanks guys.

"It's a night club love." Jake whispers in my ear. Realization came over me.

"How are we going to get into a night club? We're not 21." Kate asked. Thank you Kate! I knew she was smart.

"The boys go all the time, they know the manger or owner or someone who's gets them in." Lindsey replied with a smile.

"I'm down." Jake and Josh said at the same time.

"Me too!" Kate and Clay said at the same time this time.

It's left to only me. Why?

"Addison?" Lindsey asked.

"Guys I don't know." They all groaned to my uncertainty. I'm really not boring or anything I'm just not sure it's a good idea.

"Come on Love! Take a ride on the wild side and have fun for a night. Nothing will happen, I'll be with you." Jake said.

"Come on Addi, let loose!" Kate chimed in.

"Come on! I've seen wild Addi and you always make everything fun." Luke added.

"Now I haven't seen wild Addi but that's something I'd love to see! So come on Addison!" Clay said.

I groaned and said... "Fine! I'll go." Everyone cheered. I have a bad feelings about this......

We decided to all get ready at Jakes house so we would all be together and do the whole transportation thing together also considering his parents were on a business trip it just made sense. So me and the girls just left my house grabbing all of our things we need to get ready.

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