Delusional heart..[chapter twenty one]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

Xoxo -E

Chapter twenty••

Addison's POV~

"Where do you think your going?" He said while my head was still spinning and spinning.

"My boyfriends right over there." I said through slurred words trying to escape his grasp. I feel like I have very bad luck in these situations.

Just then I was pulled into a very dark closet on the side of the bar. "You're staying right here darling." The man said in a raspy voice.

I told you I had a bad feeling about tonight...

"Yeah I really need to go to my boyfriend." I said not able to see where he was standing. I swear I'm cursed or something how does this situation happen to someone twice? My mind started wondering in many places and suddenly I remembered. The drinks.... we left them unoccupied. How were we that stupid. My drink was spiked.. it's the only way to explain this unfamiliar feeling.

I was then pushed up against the wall hitting my head hard as if it already wasn't killing me. What is that? I was suddenly scared because I knew I controlled my alcohol this time but I still ended up in a situation where I was unaware and needed to be saved.

He then pushed his body up against mine and bit my neck! "OUCH!" I yell which caused his hand to cover my mouth. Well good job Addison now there's not a chance. I tried to fight it but I felt like I didn't have enough power to fight this guy off. The only thing that popped in my head was saying my age.. maybe he thought I was older.

"I'm 17! I'm 17!" I said through his hand over my mouth.

"Even better." He said in a seductive tone. Ew! I'm officially scared. Why'd I do that? I'm done talking.

He put his lips to mine and started smacking his lips against mine, the taste of cigarettes was pushed down my throat making me want to throw up. I then pressed down a bit his lip as hard as I could causing him the bleed. He stepped back saying "Ow! You little bitch!" Uh oh I think I made him even more mad.

He slapped me across the face causing me to collapse on the floor. I'm to weak for this. What's wrong with me? I'm a strong person.

He then grabbed me back up and with full force pressed his body to mine grinding up against me while feeling me up. I couldn't move because I was so mortified. Does this actually happen to women?

His hands went from my ass to my hips to my boobs in a matter of seconds. Touching every part of my body making me feel ashamed of myself. I then with full force kneed him in his happy spot and ran to the door just as I got there the door opened to reveal a angry Josh. Thank god!

He pulled me out and grabbed onto my hand very hard. Dragging me all the way to the outside of the club so we could hear each other.

"What the fuck happen Addison?" He asked angry. I still felt dizzy but it wasn't as bad.

"I—I" He cut me off and said "you—you what? Why were you alone?"

"I was with the girls and they wanted to go back to the dance floor I was following behind but started to feel dizzy and someone grabbed me and pulled me into the closet. we left our drinks on the table while going to the restroom and I think he put something in my drink which would explain my weakness. He started— started." I stopped not knowing what to say.

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