Chapter 4 1/2: Out of Print Games

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(Michael's PoV)

"Do you wanna come over?" The voice on the other line asked hesitantly.

I felt my heart swell with an unfamiliar but exhilarating feeling at those five words. It felt amazing.

Am I high again?

Probably. Better agree, just in case I'm not.

"Uh, s-sure," I stuttered. "I-if you give me your address I can drive over."

"Great!" Jeremy sounded excited. He gave me his address and I gasped. "That's the street parallel to mine!"

"Awesome! See you soon." He hung up and I raced out to my old P.T. Cruiser and started it up, too lazy to walk.

(Small Time Skip brought to you by Rich's adorable lisp)

I walked up to his door and dang the doorbell with shaky fingers. I wasn't sure why, but there was this knot in my stomach and I felt unbelievably nervous.

The door opened to reveal Jeremy, who smiled when he saw me. "Hey," he said brightly. "Come on in."

"What do you wanna do?" I asked, walking into the house.

"Um... how about video games?" the taller boy said hesitantly, glancing towards a closed door. Probably his room.

"What do you like to play?" I asked.

He looked down, blushing. "Apocalypse of the Damned."

Really? Is that embarrassing? 

"Me too," I said quietly. He grinned. "Really?"

I nodded.

He seemed to come up with an idea. "Can I invite a few others over?" he asked.

"Um..." I mumbled. 

Is that okay?

It's not really my choice.

I nodded and said convincingly, "It's fine. Invite whoever you want."

He grinned. "I'll call them." He pointed to the closed door. "That's my room. Can you set up the game while I'm on the phone?"

I nodded.

He dialed some unknown numbers while I set up the game.

A minute later, he came in with a big smile. "They said they'll be over in a few minutes."

Okay. I grabbed a console. "Great. Let's do a one-on-one."

We flopped down onto a couple of cushions on the floor and began to play the old video game. I quickly discovered I was much better than him at this game. I turned to look at his face, which was scrunched up in intense concentration. He didn't seem to notice me coming up with an evil plan next to him.

If I just startled him a little bit...

I reached out and poked him in the face. He flinched in surprise. I took that opportunity to press a button on my controller to shoot and kill his player. 

"Son of a—" He turned to me, playful anger written all over his freckled face. "I can't believe you just—"

"I won," I said triumphantly. A smirk found its way onto my lips. "You lost."

He punched me lightly. "You cheated."

"No." I returned the gesture. "I used an advantage." I punched him again. And again. 

"I swear to God, if you do that again—" he threatened playfully.

"You'll what?" I challenged, punching him again.

"I'll—" He hesitated. "I'll..." His voice lowered. "I'll tickle you."

"You wouldn't," I said, only slightly worried about wether it was true or not. I brought my hand back, waving it slightly.

"Oh yeah?" he questioned.

"Yeah." I punched him again.

Big mistake.

He put his hands under my arms. "W-wait! I'm sorry!" I cried out, regretting my actions immediately. "I'll stop, I'll stop, I promise!"

"Too late, Michael."

I let out an involuntary laugh as he started to move his fingers quickly, tickling my sides.

"Pff-Jer—ha—st-stop! P-please!" I laughed, rolling away from him.

"Oh no you don't," Jeremy said evilly. He then promptly sat on me, effectively pinning me to the ground, and continued to tickle me. 

"P-please! I-I'll—ha—do anything!" I screamed, uncontrolled giggles leaving my mouth.

He didn't stop, even when my chest was heaving and I had lost any hope of breathing properly, sobs of laughter pushing out of me.

Then the door opened.

There were three people standing on the other side of the door. 

Jeremy and I froze. It was then that we realized that we had frozen in the most awkward position. He was on top of me, his legs on either side of mine. One of his hands had pinned both of mine to the ground while the other was touching my side. And when the door opened, I felt unable to move at the sight of those three people standing there.

We watched in silence as the shortest one stepped forward, pushing up his glasses with a smirk on his face.


Okay, so a really short chapter. I just wanted it to end like this, so... I'll do a double update! Yay! 

I'm posting this on Friday because we're going to Cali.

Sincerely, your best and most dearest friend,


Word count: 801 :(

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