Chapter One: The Ghost Of The Beginning

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"Wake up!" an annoyed boy yelled into Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung quickly shot up quickly, falling from his seat. He was still in the music shop, by the piano, except there was one new thing added into the image: the boy who had just yelled in his ear to wake up.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Taehyung asked, his voice deeper than usual.

Taehyung's mind was jumbled with many thoughts like: Was he finally being caught for breaking and entering? Had the boy in front of him actually called the police? Every single question made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and his anxiety began to rise.

"My name is Jungkook, and all you need to know is what I'm about to show you!" Jungkook sassed.

Taehyung tilted his head to the right, his eyebrows creased. What could the kid possibly be talking about? Taehyung was sure that he had never met the boy before.

"What could you possibly show me, kid?" He asked a tad bit irritated now. Surprisingly Taehyung wasn't suffering from a hangover, but he was feeling extremely tired. Jungkook, on the other hand, was really enjoying the irritation he was giving his elder.

"When you were sixteen years old, you had nothing. The world was too big, and you were so small. Now, you can't even imagine how it felt. You were and still are empty. I pray for you," the boy hissed.

Jungkook then commenced to walking around Taehyung, forcing the older male to hyperventilate. How could Jungkook know about what happened when Taehyung was sixteen? Why was he even using it against him?

"Close your eyes Taehyung. Think back to what I'm talking about. I know you know what I'm talking about," Jungkook taunted.

Taehyung clenched his eyes shut in an attempt to shut Jungkook out but images began to flood through his head. He watched as his hand pushed the gray door to his home hesitantly. Taehyung could see the anger in his father's face. He could see the way his father's heavy hand collided with his mother's delicate white skin. He could hear her yells ring through the house, and his father's insults made his body tremble.Taehyung could feel the fear leaking like the sweat on his palms. He could see himself grabbing the bear bottle to his left, and he could feel the sensation that coursed through him as he smashed the bottle over his father's head repeatedly. The blood splattered over his clothes and the white walls.

 Those images repeated a few more times before he opened his eyes with a large gasp. He looked around to see that Jungkook was no longer there, but a shorter boy was. 

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