Her boyfriend takes the lead, as he pulls his hood over his shaggy hair. He shoves his hands into his pockets and lightly creates a path for Emma to follow in his footsteps. They creep along the outer perimeter of the log cabin as August seems to hang back.

Emma notices the safe distance August created and eyes him carefully. "Look out," her friend whispers causing her eyebrows to pinch together in concern.

"Whatever," the blonde huffs as she steps closer toward the dirty window.

The glass is covered in a thick layer of dust, along with cobwebs and spiders crawling all around the frame. This place must have been abandoned and that's why they chose to bring Regina here, Emma concludes as she studies the building before her. She presses her hands against the cool glass and attempts to peer inside.

It's far too dark on either sides of the glass for Emma to detect anything. She steps back and watches as Neal is shuffling back from the other window as well. He catches her eye and shrugs, confirming his lack of information as well.

Emma jumps off the porch and proceeds to the back of the cabin. She's too invested in finding Regina now to pay any attention to the boys she's leaving behind.

Emma treks through the over grown grass and weeds, fighting away any pesky mosquitos swarming around her. These tiny bugs have formed an elite army ready to attack the stranger invading their privacy. Emma swats and smacks aimlessly until she finds herself at the back of the cabin. Alone.

Instantly, she spots double doors that must lead to a basement, peeking out of the long grass. Emma falls to her knees and yanks on the thick wooden handles. She is absolutely stunned how easily the doors swing open.

Her heart beats wildly against her sternum. Blood rushes and thumps angrily in her ears. Her palms begin to sweat as her fingers tingle with anticipation and fear. Beads of sweat are forming at her hairline and the back of her neck. She's absolutely terrified of what's waiting at the bottom of these doors, but she has to pull through for Regina.

Her Regina.

Her saving grace.

She furiously rubs her sweaty palms against her jean clad thighs and exhales all her trepidation. "Come on Emma, get your shit together," she encourages herself just as that damn wolf hollows again off in the distance.

Emma decides whatever is waiting for her in the creepy basement is far better than being a wolf's midnight snack. So, with that thought in mind, Emma takes one step down. Her leg quakes in horror, almost giving out instantly, but somehow she finds her inner strength and pushes forward.

Emma's Converse connect with the cement stairs below. She takes a few steps down and decides she needs the light of the full moon to guide her way, so against all her instincts, she leaves the doors open wide.

There's the faintest glow from a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Emma follows the soft yellow gleam through the cold damp basement. Her body convulses in terror or maybe it's the ice cold temperatures seeping into her bones, she will never know.

There's a wooden chair across the room, demanding Emma's full attention. The chair is hidden in a corner, behind the shadows of the night. Emma takes a few timid steps forward, silently begging for this to be Regina.

Please be alive.

As she approaches the unknown, Emma assesses the chair. The first thing she notices, the back of someone's head hanging low in defeat. Her eyes drift down to discover arms and legs securely tied in thick ropes to the chair.

"Regina," she breathes as she scurries to the chair. Emma jumps in front of the prisoner and falls to her knees. "Regina!"


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