She laughed, picking up her wand and standing up, "Get up, sweetie. We don't want to leave our hosts waiting." With that and a small smile, she left. Leaving me to groan and fall back on the soft pillow, regretting not pulling the drapes last night.

You know? I think the universe just really wants me to suffer.

So I huffed out of bed and grabbed the first pair of pants and a top, cursing out every little thing as I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth at least. That is all this morning is getting.

"You look chipper." Draco said as he met me just as I was exiting my room and I scoffed at him, throwing my hair into a bun as I made my way past him. "Do you know you're wearing green pants with a yellow top?"

I pursed my lips, still slightly sleepy, as I turned around, snapped my rubber band in place and said, "It's called fashion, Draco." Then looked at his boring, white shirt, black sweater and light jeans combo and added, "You wouldn't know."

There is no way I'm accepting that he looks nice, and no chance in hell am I giving him the satisfaction of knowing that I did not think even twice before deciding on this outfit.

"Yes sure." He said, steering me with my elbow in the opposite direction I was walking in, "The Dining room is this way."

I yanked my arm out of his grip, "If you can't appreciate my fashion sense, you can't manhandle me."

"Then find your own way to food-"

"Damn you to hell, Draco!" I hissed, shoving him with my hips, "Can't you see I'm still sleepy?"

"I know." he pressed, yanking me back forcefully to stop me, "Your brain can barely handle emotions and yesterday as a rollercoaster."

I scrunched my face, looking at his smug one, "Nah-uh."

"Yeah-uh." He said, running a hand down my arms as he guided my back to a wall, "So I know you're frustrated and angry and are finally catching up to the warp speed your life has gone through, but taking it out on innocent people isn't going to help."

"You're hardly innocent." I quipped, pouting as I looked away and he chuckled.

"True." He said, coaxing my face back to his, "But I do think you need to find healthier ways of handling this."

"Which are?" I asked, "You already said no to killing my father."


"Fine." I muttered, crossing my arms and making sure my face did look put out, "I'll behave."

He laughed quietly, wrapping his arms around my waist to hug me, "Think about it this way, it's just for the holidays."

I groaned so loud someone actually called down the corridor.

"Draco?" Narcissa Malfoy's soft voice called as footsteps followed in its wake and we pulled away, "Darling, breakfast is ready."

"Coming, mother" he obediently called and I scoffed, following him down the hallway only to put on a fake smile just before we entered the room.

"Oh, good." Lucius said, as we took our seats, looking up from the Daily Prophet at our arrival, "Both of you are here."

"Yes, so" my father started, looking at me expectantly and I huffed reaching for the bread instead, "Lucius and I have some work to attend to, so we will see you at dinner directly-"

"Lucius!" Narcissa hissed, looking extremely put out and Draco rolled his eyes, "You told me you had some free time for Christmas."


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