You looked him in his eyes.

When you looked into his eyes, all you could feel was anger, sadness, and frustration.

You shook your arm off of him and punched him in his stomach.

"I'm done with you and all your sorries. Everytime you say it, you know you never mean it. You just continue to break my heart over and over. And I'm done. I guess maybe choosing you two years ago was a mistake."

You shook your head at him and ran inside your car before you started to cry.

You didn't drive off. You just put your hands on the steering wheel and bowed your head down while crying.

Deep down, you were kind of hoping this would happen.

Just a little.

Leaving Yoongi would help you focus more. And you could finally be happy and move on.

But of course, you're going to be sad at first. Just like right now.

Someone was knocking on the window of your car.

"Go. Away." You muttered as you wiped your eyes off and looked the other way.

They continued to knock. This time, they knocked faster.

You finally gave in to their knocking and turned around only to see Namjoon.

You leaned over and opened door.

"Y/N, I'm so sorr–". Before he could even finish his sentence, he stared into your eyes and pulled you into a hug.

You placed your chin in the crook of his neck and cried.

"I–I–I ju-just don't un–under– understand...", you managed to say in between sobs.

He ran his hand through you hair and sighs.

"I knew he'd do it again. He just doesn't know how good someone is until they're gone."

You gave him a faint smile and he kissed your forehead.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. Move on. Any guy who makes you cry and always breaks his promises is no guy you want to be with."

You nod and wipe your eyes again.

He hugs you and you begin to drift off to sleep.


9:45 a.m.

When you wake up, you're at home, in your bed, in your pajamas.

You freak out a little and wonder who brought you home.

On your nightstand, you see a plate of cookies with a note attached to it.

You get out of your covers and crawl over to it.

The note was written in pink ink.

You picked it up and read it.

'Dear Y/N,
Me and the guys are very sorry that you had to go through that. If you're wondering, Namjoon and I brought you home. I also made the cookies to repay for eating them earlier.
Feel better soon!'

-XOXO, Jin and Namjoon

You unwrap the cookies and take a bite out of one of them.

They're so soft and sweet.

As you're indulging in those delicious cookies, Kimmi stands in the doorway, smiling at you.

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