Chapter 23

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Jungkook POV

We had been doing this stupid hunt for two hours now, two whole hours.  Two hours of wandering aimless around a forest trying to identify dull leaves and boring trees. Two hours of mind numbing boredom. Two hours without my friends, well I had Jin but he was no use; he was as dead inside as me. Two hours without my crush. 

I wondered how Taehyung was doing, was he as bored as me? He must be, he must be dragging himself along in that wheel chair as lifelessly as I was dragging my two feet across the forest floor. He must be wishing I was there with him, instead of stupid Jackson. This is the one and hopefully only time I wish I was that stupid, nasty boy. He has no idea how lucky he is to be in the prescense of my crush; I am dying to be him right now.

"How many more things do we have left to find?" I asked Jin as we trugded along the forest, I waited pateintly as my hyung turned the clipboard over and scanned the list; counting how many we still have left to hunt. Obviously I was hoping that he would turn around and tell me that there was only one or two items left to find, if he said that I would make my decaying body jump for joy.

".....10 more items" Jin said with a heavy sigh "ten whole items are hidden in this forest that we have to find."

"Ten!? Thats too many!" I groaned in pure fustration, my hopes and dreams being finished soon vanishing into thin air.

"Hey it could be worst, there could be 20 things to find, or 100. Ten isn't TOO bad Kook..."

While I do apprecaite my hyung for trying to be positive in a period of absolute despair, I am unable to share his sentiments. Becuase while there are just ten (and luckily not 100) things left to find that is still ten too many things between me and finishing this dreadful hunt. If Tahyung was here he would agree entirely with me; but he isn't here and that's one of my many problems with this hunt.

Taehyung POV

It took three long and ardous hours to find everything on the list, needless to say we didn't win the coveted prize (Which was nothing more than a pack of sweets Mrs Kim managed to pull out of her old and weird smelling bag). Instead I was rewarded with aching arms, mud on my wheels, irritation bubbling through my system and a creepy Jackson staring at me.

He hadn't spoken one word during the duration of the three hours, which I quite frankly didn't think was possible. Instead he had stared at me with eyes as blank as a canvas. No disgust, no anger, no hate, not even any boredom, totally blank. It was the creepiest expereince of my life and it was still continuing even now, I can feel that black gaze on the back of my neck even now the hunt is finished and I'm wheeling around trying to find my friends.

I don't have the slightest clue as to why Jackson would want to stare at me in such a manner, infact I don't  want to think about it, I just want to find my friends. Luckily that doesn't take very long.

Jimin is lying on the ground, splayed out like a star fish. Beside him Hoseok is muttering "thank God that is over..." again and again while Jin is gulping down water like it's air. Namjoon is sitting calmly on a broken log besides them and Yoongi is the very opposite of calm.


Since I don't have an sutiable answer for Yoongi I turn around to find Jungkook, to my happiness that doesn't take long. The bunny was right behind me.

"Hey! You made it out alive I see" I say nonchalantly, trying to appear as if my stomach isn't doing somersualts at just the sight of him.

"Yeah" He sighs, sitting on a rock next to my chair, he is so close I can smell his pine aftershave.                                                                             "I might have even enjoyed it if you were there."

Just like that my cool act has run to the hills. A small blush creeps onto my cheeks and I have to fling my face into my arms to hide it.                     "Oh?"

"Yeah you would of made it so much more intersting! You okay Tae? Why are you covering your face?"

I'm hiding my face because it's the colour of a tomato because your being sweet and I can't handle it-                                                                               "Oh I'm just tired, I am going to nap now."

"O-oh ok, cya later I guess...

Damn he left! I'm an idiot! Why did I say I was going to sleep!? I can't sleep with Jungkook on my mind...

"Wait you like Jungkook?"

A/N: so who overheard Taehyung? Also I am so sorry for the late update some stuff just happened and I am just really sorry.

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