Chapter 17

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"If one of gets killed our blood while stain your hands Min Yoongi!!" Jin had been freaking out over the whole Jackson and company coming for us thing for an hour. Yoongi was not a popular dude, Namjoon was cussing his clothes, Hoseok was to scared to go near him, Jungkook was annoyed that he forced him to do that dare, Jimin was giving him glares like they were free candy and Jin...Jin was freaking out.

"We won't be able to walk around school safely anymore thanks to you! We all might as well transfer to a school on the opposite side of the city, no the country! This is what you have done you horrible friend-"

"I'm sorry hyung" Yoongi was staring at the floor, he had been silent for the last hour, allowing everyone to spew hate on his poor mint hair. Personally I wasn't mad at him; did I think his dares got out of hand? hell yeah, but did he need this right now when Jackson Wang has a personal vendetta with him? hell to the no.

If only someone would tell these people that. I would, but their anger is not something I want coming towards me.

Jungkook POV

"Guys stop it, he did something stupid, we all know it; but we need to have his back or Jackson will rip him to shreds and then come for us"                                                                                                            My tiny speech caught all of their attention, as they all looked up; even hoesok, who for the last hour, had his eyes screwed shut in fear. Now I just had to get them to forgive the one person the believe has ruined their entire lives, no biggie.

"Yeah what he has done is stupid and now Jackson and his gang is out for us but if it was any off us he would have our back, shouldn't we have his? We are a group for a reason he will buy you a new plushie Jin."

Yoongi looked up, clearly not happy to be buying something he hadn't agreed to finance, but in response to this stubborn hyung I have him a look which clearly screamed "agree or continue to be spat on like a poster advertising extra school days"

Apparently I'm good at screaming with my eyes as Yoongi nodded meekly, causing Jin to smile happily and the others to nod slowly, agreeing to dish out forgiveness to the mint haired boy.

I sighed in relief, the friendship beef was over, I looked over to Taehyung who gave me a great boxy grin and not one, two thumbs up. Butterflies flew around my stomachs as I gave him a goofy smile back.

Damn I was whipped.


After the super hero known as Jungkook appealed on Yoongi's behalf we all decided that after all of tonights drama it was there was on only one sensible thing left to do, play cheat.

Now its quite a simple game, all you need is a pack of cards (check thanks to Jin) and a bunch of idiots (check). You deal out the cards to begin with and someone of course has to start the game (which will probably be Jin due to the fact that he is "older and more superior children!") they will put down a card and state what number was on it. The next person (probably Yoongi due to the fact that he "can't be bothered to wait for you guys snail pace") will have to put down a number that is one bigger or smaller than the previous card, so if Jin put down a 3 Yoongi could put down a two or four. You go around in the circle doing this and there is one cardinal rule, you can't skip your go. So if you don't have a card that you would legally be allowed to play you have to cheat. If another player thinks your cheating they call you out, if you were cheating you pick up all the cards on the pile, if not they pick them up. The winner is the first to lose his cards.


"Jimin I just started the game!"


"Well pick up the card then dummy because I ACTAULLY put down a four"

"...I really thought you were cheating"

This is gonna be a long game, I knew I should of just gone to sleep.

// Sorry for the short update and for taking forever, I would say I've been busy sorry! I will try to update quicker in the future :)

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