Chapter 21

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Jungkook POV

So after geting very little sleep and eating a slice of charred bread for breakfast I was not in what you would call the best state, mentally or physically. Which was why I was close to tears when Mrs Kim announced we were doing a scavengar hunt.

"Oh God why???" Hoseok sobbed as he sank to his knees, clinging onto Mrs Kim's muddy trousers, constantly asking her what we have ever done to make her hate us so much. Jimin looked very close to joining him put couldn't move due to Yoongi's grip on his shoulder. 

Namjoon was shaking his head, clearly wondering what he had done to deserve this (as was I). Jin was sitting there blankly, which I guess was better than him trying to kill someone and Taehyung looked annoyed; very annoyed.

Mrs Kim had managed to prise Hoseok's hands off of her and now was quickly walking to the centre of the campsite.

"I don't hate you, don't be so silly. This will be fun! I will be putting you into groups! This is the perfect opportunity for you to work with new people!"

Someone take her out now.

Taehyung POV

You take us to the forest for four days agasint our will. You make us go on tree walks and feed us burnt bread for breakfast. You force us to do a stupid scavegar hunt AND won't let us work with our friends. Yet you wonder why we are all glaring at you Mrs Kim? How did you get your degree with a brain like that!?

"Awww guys don't look at me like that! It's not like I killed your dog or anything!" This woman actaully has the audacity to pout.

"Now time for the groups!" That pout was quickly replaced with a mad smile. "Bambam, Mark, Jungkook, Jin!"

Our group was already split. Atleast Jungkook and Jin had eachother, if I was put in a group with none of my friends...I wouldn't be happy.

"Next group we have Lisa, Sehun, Jackson-"

Oh I officially felt sorry for that group. Lisa and Sehun were actaully decent people that did not deserve to be put with the monster in disguise known as Jackson, I also felt extremley sorry for the fourth person who would be placed into that group.

"-and Taehyung"

It turns out that the person who I am giving all my pity to happens to be myself.

Jungkook POV

My eyes widened when I heard the teacher announce the next group I felt pure sadness for my best friend. He had to be with Jackson of all people after all. For once in my life I was actaully jealous of that jerk; he got to spend the day with Tae while I was creully seperated from my best freind (crush)! I know I wasn't Mrs Kim's favourite student but did she have to do this? Did she really hate us that much that she was seperating friends (crushes) from eachother?

This was going to be a very very long day.

Taehyung POV

It is going to be a REALLY long day, a long and horrible day. Potentailly one of the worst days of my life, now people may think it dramatic of me to declare a day doomed just because of one person but trust me, I am not exaggerating.

Jackson Wang is going to single handly ruin my day by just being himself, now I am going to have to suffer a day of insults about things I have no control over and just his all round annoying self.  Lisa and Sehun are cool people but no amount of niceness from them can make up for Jackson, no amount.

I am also in serious pits of dispear over being sepearted from my love, my best friend. Honestly I was also very jealous, Jungkook was with Jin so he had a friend atleast. In fact Jimin and Namjoon were in a team and Mrs Kim had put Yoongi with Hoseok; they all had someone while I was alone with our least favourite person.

Fate seriously had problems with me, it has been confirmed.

Sadly I, a mere mortal, had to submit to fate and do its evil bidding. So I wheeled myself over to my oh so great group. Lisa was sending a rather muderous glare to Mrs Kim, Sehun had his hands on his hip; clearly trying to present himself as over leader on this stupid scavengar hunt. As for Jackson...he was sitting there silently, he hadn't even bothered to make a snarky comment about my chair when I came over; which incase you hadn't inferred was something very rare. Hopefully he would stay silent for this whole excersise so I could bear to be around him, somehow I highly doubted that.

"Right everyone your group leader has your clipboard with the things you need to find, walk and find it, then take a photo and tick it off! The first group to be back here with evidence of finding everything on their list wins a special prize!"

Mrs Kim's prize could of been a unicorn, it could of been a kingdom, but that was not going to make up for the fact that she was forcing me to participate in a stupid scavengar hunt with Jackson!

Jackson himself was still silent, which was starting to become slightly disturbing. He normally always had something to say, it was also normally never anything kind. Yet today it seems like someone had finally found his mute button, it was unnerving.

I'm sure he will start talking soon, he will start talking and I will wish I could press that mute button.

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