Chapter 19

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Taehyung POV

If only he had the courage to ask me out....

Wait, it's 2018, girls ask guys out nice. On that thought I'm not even a girl! I could ask Taehyung out if I wanted to (which I do).

If i had the courage to (which I really don't).

Honestly it's stupid, I should just be able to say "hey Taehyung, I like you and you like me, well hopefully, but if my hope is lived out do you wanna get together?" But sadly life just didn't work that way, atleast I don't think it does. It would be great if it did, but generally things don't work that smoothly for me. I mean if they did I would probably have working legs.


Oh wait I was talking to my crush! I need to stop spacing out on him, he probably thinks I don't like him or something....which is very far from the truth. I like him a lot.

Like too much.

If only I could tell him....

Jungkook POV

If only  I could tell him how I feel, how MUCH I feel.

Becuase when it comes to him I feel alot, I feel my heart speeding like I have just runa marathon; sometimes it even skips a beat like I had momentarily died at the sight of him. I feel butterflies eurrupting in my stomach like a damn volcano is chilling next to my digestive system. I feel my palms go sweaty when I try to think of something slightly interesting to make him smile.

That isn't even half of what he makes me feel.

But the most important thing is the one emotion that consumed my whole body when I was so much as a metre near him.

Happiness. He made me so happy, every tiny thing he does (talking, smiling, breathing) made me happy. He made me so happy that sometimes I forgot to breath, which sounds impossible but when it came to Taehyung literally everything is possible.

Well it seemed impossible for me to get the balls to ask him out.

But im working on it!

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a loooong time. I am going to try and update at least weekly from now on.

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