Chapter 5

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Finally the school day was over. The whole day was exhausting, but I had made some friends which made it all worth it. 


It was Jimin, he bounded up to me and gave me a blinding smile.   "How are you getting home? The rest of us are walking if you wanna come"

"U-um my me-eomma coming to get m-me" I suddenly felt embarrassed. I hoped Jimin would leave it there and vanish, I didn't want any of them to come to my car.

" Oh cool! we'll come with you to your car! Look there's the rest of the gang!!"

Oh crud.

So now they were all following me through the school car park to my mums car. They all insisted on coming (well I think Yoongi was dragged over by Jimin) and nothing I said would change their mind. 

When we arrived at my car and my eomma saw them all she glowed with happiness. I know she was worried about me making friends; so now that I had made some she looked so relieved. Pride coursed through my veins, I hate making my mum anxious.

Jungkook POV

"Hi!! I'm Mrs Kim, whats your names?"

The woman in front of us had doe eyes and a box smile, just like Taehyung, as we introduced ourselves the smile grow wider and wide, I was amazed her face didn't break in half.

"Well do any of you need a lift home? We have enough room"

"Oh its fine Mrs Kim" I assured her " we don't live far" 

"Well if your sure, now Tae are you ready to transfer?"

Transfer? I looked at Taehyung quizzically but he wouldn't look at any of us. Instead he went pink and wheeled himself next to the car.

"Whats transferring?" Jimin asked, voicing the thought we all had.

"U-um its when I l-lift myself from my ch-chair to another o-one" Taehyung explained, his face still pink. His eomma meanwhile had gone round to the drivers seat and pressed a button. The passenger seat then began to move until it was next to Taehyung.

"That's so cool" Namjoon said, calmly fangirling over the seat.


We all watched as Taehyung gripped the armrest of his chair and lifted himself with the help of his mum and was placed in the seat. When she moved out the way I saw why he didn't want us to come. He looked exhausted.

"Transferring always wears him out" his eomma said sadly, we all nodded in understanding, but how could we really understand? We all bid goodbye to Taehyung who nodded back weakly and we began walking home.

"I like him" Jimin declared "He is quite smart and a good listener"

"Every one is a good listener to you Jimin, you don't let them get a word in edge ways!" 

"Thats not true Hobi I-"

"Quite you two" Jin rolled his eyes "I like Tae he is cute and he is nice and did you see his pink hair? so beau-"

"Yes Jin we get it" Namjoon cut in "well I think he is a good addition"

"So do I" Yoongi said "he isn't as annoying as Hoseok and Jimin"


"Well he is my bestfriend" I blurted out. Instantly they looked at me.

"Since when?" Jin enquired

"No he is not he is mine! No! Mine"

"Quite it Hobi and Jimin! Anyways I was friends with him first and I'm going to ask him tomorrow, I'm sure he will agree. This our street Jimin and Namjoon, bye hyungs"

"Bye" Jin, Yoongi and Hobi called as they walked to their streets. Namjoon quickly bade us goodbye and slipped into his house, the first on the street. Me and Jimin talked as we walked down to our house but I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about Taehyung.

How cute his stuttering is but how I wished he was comfortable enough around me to stop it. How cure he looked after transferring and how I wished I could stop him from tiring himself out. How happy I was that he had made so many friend but how I wished I had him to myself.

Myself? Dang that was possessive. I can't help it though, theres just something about Kim Taehyung.

I wonder if he feels the same way.


There's just something about Jeon Jungkook. Even my eomma knew it. For the rest of the drive home she could only seem to discuss one topic. Jungkook.

"Oh Taehyung he seems so nice...."

Yes, he was nice, he was incredibly nice, kind, hot....

Wait, hot? No I mean appealing to the human eye, that's all. Jungkook was also very smart, very popular and very hot.

I need to get a life don't I?

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