Chapter 13

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Jungkook POV

"Now as much as I don't want to be here with my stupid geography teacher and kids at school, this place is... picturesque"

I had to agree with Jin. I didn't want to be here, but silver woods forest was quite pretty. There wasn't too much mud and the trees loomed over us like friendly giants; their leaves creating a canopy over us which was coloured with a myriad of green. 

Tae had stopped wheeling himself and was looking above with pure awe, the sight of that was more beautiful than the delicate light filtering through the leaves. Everything Tae did was breathtaking.

"Sooo whipped" Jimin whispered, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up midget go and drool over Yoongi"

I wasn't whipped over my ethereal best friend...right? 


I watched as the other students put up tents, guilt tearing me up inside as I wasn't able to help. Uselessly I watch my friends put up the 7 person tent we would be inhabiting tonight, they all told me it was fine and they weren't mad at the fact that 6 of them had to put up a 7 man tent but I couldn't help but feel guilty. I should be helping them, but I can't.

"Yah why does the crip get to sit out? It's not our fault he is useless yet we have to put up our stuff which he will use, like I bet he won't contribute to the fire but will get to warm his useless legs with it!"

"Shut up Jackson" Jungkook was pissed again, but Jackson was right; why should I get to enjoy something I didn't work towards? He had every right to be annoyed.

"Why should I shut up Jungkook, your friend is disgusting and he should know it!" Tears built up in my eyes, is that how everyone sees me? As disgusting?

"HE IS NOT DISGUSTING! Tae is better than everyone single one of you, even you Jackson so leave him alone!"

He thinks I'm better than them? Jungkook thinks that highly off me? My heart began to race, damn that boy and what he does to me.

Jackson was fuming "he aint  better than me" 

"Really? you really think that?"

Jackson stormed off. Even though Jungkooks words warmed my heart (and soul) what Jackson said was still relaying in my head 


"Tae? Why are you crying" Jungkooks tone was, worried, I hated making people worried.

"I-its nothing" I brushed away my tear angrily, furious with my self for stressing Jungkook. Why do I always have to cause problems for other people? I'm useless, just like Jackson said.

"NO!No Tae your not a problem! I worry for you because you are my friend, I worry for all my friends and don't you dare call yourself useless or listen to idiots like Jackson"

"Wait, I said that aloud?"

"Yes you did Tae, now your not useless ok?"


Jungkook POV

I was currently collecting kindling with Hoseok and Jimin. Tae and Jin were helping the teachers prepare the food while Yoongi helped set up the last of the tents. After breaking four poles, 3 hooks and 2 hot chocolate mugs Namjoon was asked to sit out on a log, which he broke.

I could still hear Jin laughing about it from all the way out here.

"Namjoon is never gonna hear the end of it, poor guy" Hobi sighed sympathetically

Wheels Vkookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें