Chapter 8: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

I need to go get my things from Sasuke's and leave this village.

I quickly got to Sasuke's apartment and knocked on the door.

"H-" I cut him off as I just pushed passed him and went to his room, grabbing a bag and began to throw my clothes in it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving."


"I'm leaving, I can't be here anymore. Tell Kakashi and the Hokage. Naruto already knows. I'm sorry, but I just can't stay here anymore." At saying that, I turned around and began to head out of the door, just to have him grab my arm, twist me around, and plant his lips on mine.


"Sasuke!" I said as I pulled away. "Not now okay.
Not. Fucking. Now."

"Is everything okay?"

"Look, i'm just gonna say it, everyone else already hates me so whats gonna be different if you hate me too. Ive been seeing Kakashi, but my stupid ass went to hang out with Shikamaru today thinking it was gonna just be a fun relaxing day with a friend but, I ended up kissing him. I told Shika I was talking to Kakashi afterwords which caused him to break down and hate me, so I ran away, just to run into Kakashi. I then told him that I kissed Shikamaru, causing him to be hurt and hate me, and now that i'm telling you all of this, considering you obviously have feelings for me too, you're gonna more than likely break down and hate me." I said as I then turned around and ran out the door, the direction of the woods not even bothering to wait for a response.

I jumped from tree to tree until I landed on a sligtly bigger branch and sat down taking a break. "Wow, Isabella. You really fucked up this time huh?" I said to myself.

"Isabella?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Kakashi standing on a branch next to me in another tree.

"I said Asuka. What do you want Kakashi?" I asked bluntly, trying to hide my emotions.

"I don't hate you." He said as he jumped over to where I was and sat beside of me.

"Why not, you have every right to. I kissed Shikamaru, knowing that me and you were seeing each other."

"Seeing each other?" He questioned.


"I didn't know we were seeing each other?" He said, confused.

"Y-you didn't? Then why did you look hurt when I told you?"


"No, that's new to me, and because I have feelings for you, to hear that you kissed someone else made me think you didn't feel the same way, since i'm older than these teen Ninjas."

"Kakashi I honestly dont care if i'm 18 and your in your 20's or even 30's! you're way more attractive than any Ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village, and I do have feelings for you, strong feelings. I was just being stupid and not thinking straight." I said as I blushed at the first part then began to tear up at the second.

He then leaned in and kissed me, while picking me up bridal style afterwards, heading back to the village.

"I could never hate you Asuka. It was just a kiss." He said, whilst looking down at me with a one eye smile.

That's exactly what Shikamaru said before I told him..


When we got back to Kakashi's apartment he sat me down on the couch and took my clothes to his room to put them away.

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