Chapter 5: Team 7

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"Mmmm 10 m-more minutes K-Kashi." I said with drool hanging out of my mouth still half asleep.


"KAKASHI TURN IT OFF!" I screamed aggervated but still didnt hear any sign of Kakashi.

"Ughh, fine." I slowly got up out of the bed and walked over to the annoying alarm clock, and threw it against the wall, then noticing a note laying beside where it was laying on my clothes neatly stacked. "Hmph, I guess he did wash my clothes."


Once the alarm clock wakes you up come to the training fields. The rest of the team will already be there, don't over sleep.


"Short and sweet I see." I say as I lay the note down and head towards the bathroom to change back into my original attire. "What the? Wheres my tank top? Whos green hoodie is this?" I start to examine it and see that it says Kakashi Hatake in red marker on the tag. "Hmm, strage. Oh well tho, it looks like it'll fit." I began putting on, and to my expectations it fit perfectly. I then finished putting on my clothes and shoes, then brushed my hair and walked out of his apartment, heading towards the training fields.

I jump from tree to tree making my way there as quick as possible, and then land swiftly on 1 knee as I finally arive, causing everyone to look at me.

"Hey Asuka-chan!" Naruto screamed running up to me.

"Hey Naruto." I said back giving a closed eyes smile.

"Are you ready to train today! I wanna see what you've got!"

"Believe it!" I say back with a thumbs up.

"Not her too." Sasuke said as he rolled his eyes and walked off.

"Ignore him, hes just a big pain in the butt!" Naruto said sticking his tounge out at Sasuke as he walked away.

"So, where's Kakashi?" I questioned noticing hes not around anywhere.

"Its untelling knowing him. Probably off reading his book somewhere." Naruto replied.

"Actually im right here." Kakashi said as he jumped down from a tree.

"Kakashi Sensi you're late! Again!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh, uh you see I-" he bagan saying while rubbing the back of his neck, as he got interupted.

"Yeah, yeah we know." Sakura and Naruto said in unison.

"So, Kakshi whats up with the hoodie?" I questioned him infront of the two others.

"You see the dryer uh, wouldn't turn off when I had your shirt in it and it well, shrunk.." he said uneasily.

"Its good it shrunk, your bust size didnt really fit in it as it was." Sakura said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Uhh, okay?" I said, holding back my anger so I didn't kick this Pinkettes ass.

"Alright, enough talking, lets begin introducing ourselves now that we are all here." Kakashi said changing the subject from my chest.

"But thats still talking Kakashi sensi." I said, trying to get on his nerves.

"Naruto, would you like to go first." He said completely ignoring me.

"But sensi we already did this on our first day as a team!" Sakura said aggervated.

"Yes, I know, but now that we have a new team member we are doing it again, just try to remember what you said the first time." He said nodding off to Naruto.

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