Twinkle Toes?

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(Firea's POV)
Sokka stared in shock at the little girl.
"How? What? Hu?"He said.

The Blind Bandit just stood there laughing at her victory.
"And now for an extra reward I am offering 100 coins to whoever can defeat the Blind Bandit!" The announcer told the audience. But the crowd remained silent. (Thanks for correcting that @Aramisxx)
"I'll do it! Said Aang." What in the Fire Nation is he thinking?
(Third person POV)

So Aang walked up to the arena, this short, skinny little Airbender is going to defeat what looks like a master Earth Bender. What are the odds of him winning?
"So twinkle toes, you think you can beat me ha!" The Blind Bandit said confidentiality.

"Look." Aang began.
"I don't want to fight, I just want to talk" The Blind Bandit just fired rocks at him non stop.
Aang counters the attack with some Air bending technique that allows him to hover above ground for a brief moment.
"Where are you?" The girl said as she listened.
"Look! I just want to talk! Please!"
"Gotcha!" The Blind Bandit Continued to shoot earth at Aang, creating a cloud of dust. Aang finally got tired of the fight and nocked her out of the arena.

"And the new comer wins the match!" The announcer says. The Blind Bandit walks off and begins to exit the arena.
"What! Come back!"
"Leave me alone!!"She says.
"But wait!"
"I said just leave me alone!"
With that The Blind Bandit left. Leaving Aang alone to walk back to his friends.

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