Sokka Anime Crys

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"Aang! I'm bored. When are we going to get there." Sokka yelled.
"You might be the most inpatient human being on the planet." I said back.
"Well you look bored to Firea." He said.
"I've had to stand in one spot for days holding a knife someone's neck for days without food or water."
"OK OK, you win!" Sokka Said and scooted away from me.

"We won't be in Ba Sing Say (?) for a while, and Appas getting tired." Avatar said.
"I believe there is an island around here. We can stay there for the night." I told them.
"OK then will stay there for the night."

Once we found the island we set up camp and Katara begin to make "dinner"
"What is this?" I asked.
"The rest of our food." Katara said worried.
"How long of you had this for?" I asked her.
"Too long."

I "can get you some more if you want. I can hunt and get herbs. I say thinking of the times I was trapped in the woods and had to hunt."
"You would really do that?!"
"Yeah why not." I say and run into the woods.
(Katara's Pov)

"You really do that?" I asked.
"Why not." Firea said that she ran into the woods. Her voice was as cold as her fire.
"Hey Aang? Do you know anything about Firea? She seems a little odd." I asked.
"I don't know, do you think we should ask her?"
"I don't know she's an ex assassin."

"I'm just worried about her. One second she can be The sweetest little girl."
"She's 14."
"I know but she seem so young and she's an assassin. What happened to her. Why is she so distant."
I looked at Aang and he looked at me.

"What if we come up with back stories for her and tell them to her and see if she has a reaction to any of them!" Aang said excited.
"That's not a bad idea!"
"Should we include Sokka?" He asked.
We both look at each other.
"Never mind." We said in sync.
(Sokka's Pov)

"They always leave me out."
(Anime cry)

I'm not dead!
Sorry for the short chapter.

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