The third, Karen Liverworthy, is from the Evermoore Pack. She is the Betas daughter and was taken during a rogue attack. Her body structure is much like Everett's or is what I believe she will look like at a healthy weight. Slight curve to her hips, thigh slightly thick.

The final girl is Nicole Hitmann and she is from the Dark Moon Pack. She is the pack doctor's daughter. She was also in training much like Isabella was. Nicole looks the most like Everett. She has wide eyes like a child, her nose small and button like, her lips a pretty pink.

The girl that was hanging from the tree, we have no identity for her. She is not in the missing files and none of the packs have contacted me about a missing girl. We took the liberty of burying her in our pack's cemetery. During her burial, which took place while we were on our way to the Northern Witch Clan land, our pack members prayed to the moon goddess for the safety of this women's soul and hope that she is happy being back with the Great Mother. At all of our funerals we spend an hour praying at the grave of our fellow pack member, wishing them safety and happiness with the Great Mother.

All these girls have something that reminds me of Everett in some way. They resemble her some way. Archer must be planning something with these girls. He must've had them taken for the reason that they resemble Everett. Whatever he is planning I know it is not good and I need to help these packs find their girls before they end up like the nameless girl.

"While we are on our way to the Western Witch Clan lands, we are going to stop at the River Side and Mountain View pack and ask them all the information that they know about the Blood Moon Pack and what they know about the whereabouts of the missing girls." I explain and point to Isabella and Amelia. "After meeting with the Western Witch Clan we are heading to the Eastern Witch Clans where we will meet with the Evermoore and Dark Moon Packs."

"I will contact the River Side Pack and tell them we will be arriving in the next couple of days." Logan says and grabs the contact information before stepping out of the office to make the calls.

"My sister Ella is still missing we need to investigate her disappearance as well." Liliana says. I see her clenching her fists in her lap to restrain from showing too much emotion.

"I don't know how much we will be able to do as werewolves. But maybe the Western Clan Witches will be able to help us out in someway. I will make sure to bring up your sister to the Alphas of the River Side and Mountain View Packs." I reply. "You mentioned that you think your sister is part of a prophecy about Witches and Werewolves coming together."

"Yes, we will know for sure once we get to the Western Witch Clan. They have a prophet there that can communicate to the Moon Goddess herself." Liliana says and looks out the window of my office and up to the sky. The moon is still visible in the sky despite it being day time now.

"You can't be serious." I gawk at her. Someone that is able to communicate directly to the Moon Goddess hasn't been known to exist for years.

"I am very serious, Alpha Bryson. This prophet may be the key to us succeeding or failing in this war and to finding my sister. Once we know Alpha Archer's intentions we will have a lead on him. We will be able to figure out his plans soon enough." Liliana says.

"We better leave soon. The faster we learn his intention, the faster we can beat him. We will be leaving in a couple of days. I have some business I have to attend to with the pack before we leave." I say and Liliana and Morgana leave soon after.

I sigh and turn to the window to look at the disappearing moon. I pray to the Moon Goddess to protect me and Everett, my mate, and the missing girls. I only hope that we will be able to make it through all of this trouble and return home to be happy and live our lives the way we want to. 


This chapter is a little longer then the others, I hope you like it. Sorry I didn't update right when we reached the chapter goals, I was busy with my family. 

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