The Story of the Legend Chapter 30

Start from the beginning

In Hye picked her ears. "I'm sorry. Yeesh".

"If it happens, you will be the first to know". Amari told her friend, calming down.

The two of them laid back in Amari's bed together and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm glad you can finally be happy. Are t you glad I pushed you into search g for a job nd taking that one?" In Hye asked, making Amari chuckle.

"Yes, I am". She admitted. It wasn't hard.

"If he has a brother his age or older, a cousin or something. Give me a call". In Hye joked, but she was serious as well.

"I will if I find one".

The two linked arms and rested each other's head on one another.

Amari wished she could tell In Hye about everything else, but it wasn't her secret to tell. It was Su Hyun's. If he deemed it necessary to tell her, he would.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms. In Hye was worried sick about her friend, since she didn't come home, so she couldn't sleep or do anything else, but worry, so In Hye was exhausted and glad her best friend was safe and sound.

The next morning, Amari woke up alone in her bed, but she wasn't worried. In Hye obviously had to go to work, so of course she wouldn't be there. She stretched out her arms and yawned, before getting out of bed. She relieved herself in bathroom and walked into the kitchen to find breakfast on the table, making her smile warmly.

"She was the one that was worried about and she gets up and makes me breakfast. I have the best friend in the world". She said, before digging into the food, happily.

Amari believed it was going to be an ordinary day today, eat breakfast, get dressed, have Su Hyun drove her to work, get dirty looks from coworkers because of her relationship with Su Hyun, shift ends, hang out with Su Hyun, Yong and Chol and then come back home to be with In Hye so they could talk about their day.

She got ready for work, dressed in her casual clothes, since her uniform was at the hotel in her locker. She wore a comfortable white, button up blouse and blue flare jeans. She styled her hair and put on lipgloss, before meeting Su Hyun outside.

It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining, warm breeze whipping through Amari's hair as she let down the window. There were no clouds in the sky.

"I was thinking that after your shift today, me, you and Chol can do some training. Not much. Just something to prepare him for anything. I don't need for him to get into anything intensive". Su Hyun said.

"But you need to ease your anxiety about him being targeted because of knowing your true identity". Amari said what he wanted to say, making him sigh.

"Yes", he simply said.

"That's fine with me". Amari told him. "I want Chol to be safe and protected as well and I know we will not always be by his side. It's best".

"Thank you for being so understanding". He told her, kissing her cheek, making her smile.

Work went as usual that day, dealing with customers and her nosey coworkers, before time just flew by.

After work, Amari, Su Hyun and Chol all trained in Su Hyun's basement, but this time, Su Hyun wasn't in his human form. He was in his Gumiho form, which made training difficult, but exciting.

In Hye decided to get off work early that day and have herself a long weekend with Amari. Perhaps she can officially meet Su Hyun's family as well, since she had only heard of them. She had never met them before.

She checked her phone and saw the text that Amari had sent, telling her that she was over Su Hyun's house. She wanted to surprise visit the two, so she checked the "where your friends" app to see exactly where Su Hyun lives.

Arriving at the massive house, In Hye was taken by surprise. Su Hyun lived in such luxury. She didn't know how Amari got so used to it. She walked up to their front door and noticed that the door was unlocked. Somebody forgot to lock it on their way out, so In Hye just let herself in.

"Hello?" She asked as she walked around, looking everywhere. It seems no one was there, until she heard screaming.

In Hye quickly ran down to the lower level of this house and to find Amari underneath a frightening creature that looked like a glowing fox spirit.

"Amari!" She screamed for her friend, before she smacked the Gumiho with he purse, knocking him off of her.

Amari stared at In Hye in shock as she pulled her over to the side, trying to protect her.

"In Hye? What are you doing here?" Amari asked.

"I got off work early and came here to surprise you. What the hell is that?!" She asked pointing at the now Su Hyun, who held his aching and bruised face.

"Su Hyun?" In Hye asked, confused and puzzled. "What are you?" She asked him, before looking at Amari.

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