The Story of the Legend Chapter 27

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Tae Wan wandered through the town, pleased with himself at what he was able to accomplish. The villagers were alert and guarded. Women and children hid in their homes, while the men searched for the gumiho to kill and finally rid of him. This was what he wanted. The villagers could kill the gumiho and then he could get his bead and gain the powers of immortality. It was a win/win situation for them. They get to finally rid the evil that plagued their town for centuries and he could get what he always wanted without getting his hands dirty.

His lips married a wide, smug smirk as he listened to what the villagers were gossiping about. Most of it was the stories that they heard or the family they had lost to the gumiho, but what caught Tae Wan's attention the most was the girl they noticed some strange being following one night.

"A girl?" He thought, hiding behind a tree and listening to the elderly women's conversation.

"I swear I saw the gumiho one night, following a young girl with dark skin and curly hair". said one woman.

"I'm sure you were imagining it". Waved off the other.

"I'm serious. He was in his true form following this young girl, but he didn't seem to want to hurt her. It was like he was protecting her".

"Now I know you're making this up. The gumiho doesn't protect humans, he eats them, even children". Waved off the woman again.

Tae Wan's smirk only grew.

"Protecting a young girl, huh? Has this mere creature found someone worthy of his affections? Interesting".

Kali searched desperately for Su Hyun. She had hoped and prayed that he wasn't hurt too badly or dead somewhere. She had hoped that the villagers haven't found him yet, that he hid somewhere safe, where no one will find him, though she wished she could.

"Please tell me, you're okay, Su Hyun. Please tell me you're still alive." She pleaded and cried as she continued her search.

"Su Hyun!"

Su Hyun hid in a cave that was deep in the forest. Nobody came that far for they feared what they would find. He figured he could stay here, until everything dies down. The only thing was that he wouldn't be able to see Kali again for a while, but at least she was safe. He started and finished addressing the wound in his arm where Tae Wan shot him. He knew it was going to leave a scar, but he didn't care.

"Su Hyun!"

Su Hyun could hear the faint whisper of Kali's voice calling out his name. He dashed out of the cave and looked around, searching for her, but he couldn't see her.

"Su Hyun, please answer me!"

That was when he had realized that her voice was all in his head.

"Kali?" He asked, staring at the dark sky.

Kali was able to hear him and became instantly relieved to hear his voice.

"Thank God, you're alright". She sighed in relief.

"Please direct me to your location". She begged him.

Neither of them questioned why the two of them were able to hear one another "telepathically". They were both just relieved and happy that the other was safe and alive.

Kali had instantly embraced him after Su Hyun had told her where he had hidden. She was happy that she was able to feel his warmth and hear the sound of his heartbeat again.

"I was so worried about you that I didn't know what to do".

"I'm sorry". Su Hyun had told her.

He held her tightly in his arms, feeling that same feeling again of never wanting to let her go. He combed through her thick, curly, kinky hair and kissed her forehead. He never wanted her to worry about him. He just wanted to keep her safe.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Su Hyun". Kali said, burying her face into his chest.

"Nor I you". He confessed to her.

"I love you so much. Please, don't ever leave me again". She begged to him.

"I won't. I promise". He reassured her.

He grabbed Kali's chin gently and placed a gentle, yet deep kiss on her lips. Kali slowly closed her dark brown eyes and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Tae Wan was watching this entire scene from outside of the cave. He watched as the two lovers slowly parted from one another's lips and gazed deeply into each other's eyes. Kali rested her head on his chest once again and Su Hyun wrapped his arms around her body.

"The gumiho fell in love with a human girl?" Tae Wan thought, amused at the sight he was seeing. "This is perfect! This girl will definitely be the gumiho's downfall". He thought, chuckling to himself, before disappearing into the shadows.

Su Hyun noticed all the cuts and bruises on Kali's face, arms, and legs. He figured she must have gotten them when she was searching desperately for him. He didn't want her hurting herself for him. Her skin was so beautiful and perfect and now it was sullied with dirt, cuts and bruises. He placed his lips on each and every cut and bruise and kissed them gently. A faint white light emitted from the touch and healed all of her wounds. He noticed a tear trickled down Kali's sleeping face as a small smile formed on her thick, full lips. He kissed away her tears.

Kali definitely brought up so many foreign emotions and feelings in him, but this one feeling inside of him. The aching he felt in his chest that only was felt when she was around. He knew what it was. It was obvious. He was in love with her. A gumiho falling in love with a human. How laughable. He had kissed her lips again, before whispering to her, " I love you too". Of course he didn't expect her to hear those words, since she was sleeping. Alas, no one should underestimate the human consciousness. Kali was definitely in her deep slumber when he had confessed those words to her. However, she heard them. Loud and clear. It made another small smile form on her lips.

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