The Story of the Legend Chapter 26

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Amari and Su Hyun were sleeping soundly and peacefully in Su Hyun's bed. It wasn't her intention to spend the night at his house, but sleep overwhelmed her. The two of them, along with Yong and Chol, had a tough night today, so rest was what they really needed, especially Chol, since he had to go back to school the next day.

It was a peaceful night that night. The air was cool, the sky was clear, which revealed how colossal, bright and beautiful the moon was. The scattered stars twinkled and scintillated in the dark sky.

Amari had pleasant dreams a she slept with a warm smile on her face. However, Su Hyun had another dream about his past. Half of it was pleasant, but the other half was not. That half was when he had first met Tae Wan.

Joseon Dynasty

May 14th, 1592

Kali's mother and younger brother had no idea why their daughter and older sister stayed out longer than usual or why she seemed to be in a better mood than she was before. She used to be pessimistic, morbid, depressing, but now, it seems as though her entire personality did a 180. She seemed like a different person now. They enjoyed this new side of her. Her mother always feared that her children would live such miserable lives ever since their father died and she got terminally ill and she didn't want that. Whatever, whoever changed her daughter, she wanted to show them her appreciation.

Kali never introduced her family to Su Hyun, never knew how to begin. He wasn't normal and so she didn't know how to go about telling them, if she should tell that at all. Su Hyun never asked to be introduced to her family, so she didn't think about it after that. She didn't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation.

Su Hyun couldn't take his eyes off of Kali as she sat on a grassy hill and seemed so engrossed in a book she was reading. The light breeze blowing through her kinky, curly hair, the warm, beautiful smile that married her full lips, the sun's warm rays of light gently grazing her beautiful, ebony skin. He could never have imagined enjoying such a view, especially that of a human girl. He had been wandering alone for thousands of years, never caring about anything, other than himself. Humans were only food to him. That was the only use he had for them, until he had met her. She was different. In a matter of a mere few days, this girl had brought about so many foreign and strange emotions that he had never in his life felt before. Since that day, he could never leave her alone. He followed her wherever she went and she fed him whenever he was hungry. It would seem to outside perception, he was nearly a pet to this girl, but in reality, Su Hyun felt like it was more deeper than that. He would do things he never thought of doing for anyone else like protecting her and.........

Su Hyun then felt the bottom of his lips with his index finger as he thought of that kiss they shared the previous day. That. He would have never done that with any other person. The moment her lips had touched his, there was this electrifying sensation that coursed through his body. He had held her for the first time and never wanted to let go. What was this human girl doing to him? What was she turning him into?

Su Hyun continued to watch Kali and enjoy the view of her, until an arrow struck the tree by his head. He quickly turned around to where the arrow was shot from and saw a human man slowly let down his bow. The two of them locked eyes and never averted their gaze. They stared at each other with such passion, anger, and intensity. Who was this man and why was he trying to kill him? He had never met this man in his life.

"I will destroy you, gumiho", whispered the man, before disappearing in the crowd of people behind him.

Su Hyun was able to hear all that he had said with his super hearing. What he had said took Su Hyun by surprise. Gumiho? How would he know? He never went around in his true form, unless he was feeding. Usually, him and Kali did that somewhere private. Never in public for the fear of becoming known and hunted. How did he know who he truly was? He shook away that thought. It didn't matter anymore. How much of threat is he going to be?

Su Hyun looked at the arrow that was lodged in the tree. He grabbed and examined it closely. He was definitely aiming for him, but somehow missed? It was so close, and he seemed skilled with it, why did he miss? Was it a warning? Was it to catch his attention? Why didn't he sense it beforehand? Su Hyun broke the arrow in half with his bare hand. He then focused his attention to Kali as she turned the page in her book. Did he notice Kali? Did he notice him noticing her?

Su Hyun became even more angrier than before, grinding his teeth in the process. He wouldn't let Kali get involved.

That wasn't the last time he had seen that stranger. All throughout the day he would show up when he had least suspected him to and always shoot an arrow at him and miss. Why did he keep missing him? Su Hyun couldn't put his finger on it.

The next day, Su Hyun encountered that strange man again, but the situation didn't turn out how he wanted it to. The strange man finally struck him with the arrow. It hit him in the arm. Being struck with the arrow made Su Hyun growl with such intensity that his eyes changed from dark brown to golden. He angrily stared at the man with the bow and arrow. He had had enough of this guy and his arrow. He wanted to get rid of him, before Kali had gotten involved.

Su Hyun didn't hesitate to attack the man with his talons. He pounced on the man, trying to rip the skin off of his face. The man only smirked up at Su Hyun as he held him back enough to keep his hands off his face. Su Hyun gave him an odd look, puzzled by the man's expression.

"Gumiho! Help! A gumiho is attacking me! He is taking the form of a man!" screamed the man as he feigned being frightened.

Su Hyun looked around to see the villagers gathering around the two of them. He didn't want this kind of attention. He tried to quickly leave, but now the man held onto his wrist tightly, so that he couldn't get away so easily. Su Hyun had stared at him.

"You existed and blended well with the rest of us. Now is the time for your peaceful life to end". The man told him. "Besides, the bead that lies within you will be a lovely collection of mine". He whispered to Su Hyun as he pulled him in closely to his face.

Su Hyun widened his eyes. How did he know about his bead?

"Who are you?" Su Hyun finally managed to talk to him.

"I want you to remember my name. It's Tae Wan".

Su Hyun was finally able to get away from Tae Wan's grasp and flee from the scene. He had to go into hiding, until everything dies down. He could always transform into something different. However, he didn't want to. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He wouldn't change into something that was unrecognizable to Kali. He wouldn't do that to her nor to himself.

Kali's mother became worried. She had the rumors about some gumiho running around the town. Her daughter had been out so much now and days. She had prayed that she haven't got involved with the gumiho.

Kali had finally returned home to be embraced by her mother. It was weak because she was still weak and sick.

"Mother" She asked, shocked by the sudden hug.

"I'm so glad that you are okay." She said weakly.

"What's going on? Why are you out of your bed?" She asked, pushing her gently away enough, so that she could look at her face.

"There's rumor around the town that a gumiho showed up and disguised himself as a man. I was worried that you were somehow involved".

"Of course I'm not involved mom. I'm not stupid". She told her, getting nervous about Su Hyun.

That comment made her mother relax.

"Thank God". Her mother sighed with relief.

"Now go rest. You don't have enough strength to be up and about and worrying about me. I promise you, I won't be going anywhere". Kali reassured her mother as she led her back to bed.

Kali made sure she was comfortable and asleep, before she went out and searched for Su Hyun. What had happened and how did his identity get out? Kali made sure that the two of them were cautious.

She searched all around the town for Su Hyun, getting worried about him. Her mind was starting to get dark.

"Su Hyun, where did you run off to?" Kali thought as she desperately searched for him.

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