Chapter 1

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Whenever there is a meeting in the office with guests from other companies and all the woman dress extra nice, you know it is Mr. Harry Styles who will pay a visit. They are all trying to impress him just to get his attention once or maybe even one night with him. He is known for being that kind of man.

Well today is one of those days. You can hear them chat and check the elevators every now and then secretly. Their eyes focused on seeing him and only him. Work is now in second place. The newest gossip leaves their lips. He is a man that people talk a lot about. Everyone wants to be part of his life, of his "fame". "Ms Harker?". I look up from my computer screen and into the eyes of my boss. I feel rather relieved to see a smile on his face, not every day is like this. It seems to be a good day for him. He tends to get quite moody if the days are hard and stressful but I know it is nothing personal. No one is really able to let stress just pass them by. "Yes Sir?", I ask and smile back at him. „Is the room ready for him?" I nod and get up to show it to him. He is a man that likes to see things proven. That was one of the things I learnt first when I got here. Prove yourself and the work you did. "I ordered food from the café across the street as you mentioned that their cake is incredible. The coffee will be in the room in a minute and all presentation equipment is ready.", I tell him just before we enter the room. Pride and almost fire runs through in tiny waves. This is one of my favorite things to do: organise meetings or just any kind of event. „Great work Ms Harker. Will you be here at 10:30?"- „Of course sir.", I answer and nod. That is his way to tell me to keep notes at the meeting today again. I did a few times before when he met Mr Styles. "Will you have the report finished by tomorrow morning?", he asks further. Again I nod. That means a long day for me today but at least he will be happy.

Mr Johnson stays in the room as I make my way back to my desk which is in front of his office. I'm his personal assistant and secretary, meaning you have to be correct and on point. Be there with him at every meeting, be his data base for business connections and sometimes just his company. I'm startled I take a step back as suddenly the phone rings but seeing it is Angie I pick up calmly. „Jenny he is in the elevator", she speaks in almost a squeaky voice, calling me from the reception downstairs. „Calm down An", I giggle. „Jenny he winked at me!"- „He probably does that to every woman on the way here."- „Shut up Jen! Let me be happy.", she says in an offended tone but I can hear she is smiling. „I see you later, gotta spread my legs now.", I joke, refering to all the rumours. "Shut up", she laughs and hangs up. Pokerface Jenny, I tell myself as I call the meeting room just a few seconds later to let my boss know. „Mr Johnson? Mr Styles is in the elevator.". Only a short thank you and he hangs up. I let my eyes wander to the elevator for a second and then calmly grab my notebook and head to the room where I will spend the next hours. Thank god we have coffee, otherwise I wouldnt survive this even for a half hour.

I hear the typical sound of the elevator and the hushed talking of female voices the next second. I watch the scene with an amused eye. All eyes on the elevator doors as he steps out. His suit pink and his hair messy. It doesn't fit together and yet with him it does. Chatter fills the room in corners as he steps forward towards me and the meeting room. I feel slightly iritated by the way he carries himself. How he seemingly plays with their hearts. According to the rumours he throws woman away like tissues. I don't even want to be close to men like him but here I am waiting in the doorway to welcome him. I swear to myself to never fall for anyone like him, I threw any sort of hopeful thought away years ago. I catch myself how sigh impatiently. His walk through the open space office to the meeting room seems to take ages. He smirks with all the female eyes on him. "Mr Styles", I speak calmly as he comes closer. "Ms Harker, how are you?" He speaks softly but with an edge of roughness in it. I clearly see he tries to impress. That is his way of handling such things and he can be quite convincing. But no, I won't be anything close to impressed. By non of his moves. "Very well, thank you.", I decide to answer and shake his hand calmly. "Mr Johnson is awaiting you.", I tell him to get back to the main reason why he is here. I don't want to get close to him, neither physically nor in any sort of relationship. This is just too much of a risk. Working like a robot my body leads him into the room while my thoughts keep going like that. I sit down calmly as both men shake hands and take their seats as well. Every time they meet I notice that Mr Styles makes Mr Johnson insecure. Styles has got a very strong presence and looks right at you when he talks and listens. My boss therefore avoids his eyes. He is used to being in charge and likes it that way. Comming across a young man that is way more charming and successful than him doesn't help. „Ms Harker do you have anything to add to the report of our last meeting?", Mr Styles suddenly asks and stares right into my eyes, almost through me. He caught me in my cloud of thoughts. I wasn't paying attention. „No Mr Styles, we already reviewed it together.", I say calmly. Hinting softly that he helped me out with some things last time although I didn't ask nor wanted him to. He asked for the report and I simply send it to him and he corrected it. He saved my ass that day as I didn't pay attention for once but I don't need to let him know. His ego would only take it the wrong way. My bosses eyes wander between the two of us but he doesn't speak his mind. "Anyway", he starts then and I feel relieved to be out of focus, at least for once.

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