Out in Town

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"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!COME CATCH US IF YA CAN PIGS!"Me and Shadow scream as we drive into a shops window.I was shooting behind me as Shadow was driving like a fucking maniac!We both are fucking enjoying this!!I manage to shoot a cop right in the head and the car drives off to another direction.After about 15 mins we escape from the pigs and was at this cliff.Shadow gets off the bike"Hey,why are we here sugar?"I ask him.He turns his head to me,smiling his lovely evil smile"To watch something special love."He pulls out his hand for me to take. "Come on,it'll be beautiful~."I hold his hand and we both walk to the edge of the cliff.It was over this town I haven't seen.Suddenly fucking explosions came from different parts of tha' town.We both laugh,full of insanity."That's fucking amazing!"I scream still laughing my ass off I then feel his arm go around my waist.I blush and look at him.He just looks back at me and smiles"Hey,you're blushing.You look super cute."He then pulls me into a kiss.I soon kiss back, I put my arms around his neck. After a few seconds of us kissing he licks my lip,I believe to ask for him to enter his tongue into my mouth.I open my mouth a little and straight away,he pushes his tongue into my mouth.His tongue explores every inch of my mouth.After,what felt like,forever he stops and just look deep into each others eyes."We should head back home, it's getting to 3 AM."I smile. "Yeah, lets head home."We both walk to his bike and drive back home.We're back at home and as soon as we get in,I just lie down on the couch and try to fall to sleep.I was suddenly picked up bridal-style"S-Shadow?!"I hear him chuckle and he walks upstairs to my room.I lays me down onto my bed and kisses my forehead"Night-night love." Before he gets out of my room I hug him."Love ya too mista' S!"He blushes."Mista' S?*laughs* What a weird name for me!But,I like it. Now, goodnight."He then walks out of my room.I go back onto my bed and drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes and see a tray with my breakfast on it.Shadow must've made it for me~ aw,so sweet!I take one of the toasts and notice there's also a note.I quickly eat my breakfast and pick up the note and read it.It says

Amy,I've gone out to do some business for about a few hours.I've left a key for you near the front door incase ya want to go out.Love mr.S~

Okay then!I wonder what the business is,oh well.I get out of bed and change into a red dress, black boots with a black jacket.I should probably call Blaze,I remember about her asking me if we can talk.Now,where's my phone. I see it on one of my draws,I grab my phone and start to call blaze.She soon answers "Hi Amelia."Ugh,I hate my name so much. "Hey blaze,so what was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask her."Well,can we actually talk about it at tha' park?I don't want to talk about it on the phone."Wow,it may be serious."Sure" "Yeah,We'll see each other where we first met ok. I'll see you in a couple of mins,see ya." "Bye Blaze."I hang up and grab my black bag.I walk downstairs and walk over to the door.I see the keys,hurray!I grab the keys and head out.I can't see Shadow's bike anywhere so I guess I'm walking.

Shadamy (as Harley Quinn and Joker Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now