Altaire's Sixth Birthday (4)

Start from the beginning

"Hahaha, it's my little payback for gathering the audience just now, causing us to be all formal and nervous! Not to mention the fact that we have to think and act fast before others call us as rude towards the king! This whole play of being formal in presence of others and being casual when there are no one is quite tiring, I admit."

"Well, I told you there were some urgent matters coming up! I didn't intend to be late and make that kind of entrance to the party!"

"Okay, okay... So, how was it? Do you need my assistance for that 'urgent matter'?"

"Nah, I don't think we need that for now. Just continue your usual work. I'll make sure to summon you if I ever need that."

"Alright then. You know you can always count on me, Titus." Dad said as he patted the king's shoulders. The king laughed it off and the two of them fist-bumped each other.

Mom and Altaire are watching the scene unfold as if it's natural...

So, am I the only one left in blanks?

I desperately tried to make anyone look my way, so that they can see a desperate confusion on my face.

Luckily, I managed to get their attention, and they tried to explain the whole thing to me...

------Please wait for the long explanation intended to a child to end so that Lyra can conclude everything and retell the whole explanation curtly—---

Back then, Mom worked as a Royal Magician in the Magic Court, and soon became the Head of the Royal Magic Court, where she is famously known as "The Sky Magician—Ophelia". And Dad served under Mom as a Royal Magician... plus handling underground activities like uncovering the frauds and mistreatment especially his family did, directly under the king—who was still the crowned prince back then. Obviously, he made use of his illusion and transformation power as a Hartmann for doing his work as a spy.

Upon gaining the responsibility as one of the Four Dukes, Dad stopped working as a Royal Magician, but he's continuing his work directly under the king's order! He is the king's trusted right hand, working as a spy countless times. He can be given the title of "The Royal Spy"!

As for Dad's relationship to the king...

Dad has always been good friends with the current king ever since they were still teenagers, since they met at the Harmonia Academy, to be exact. That explains the king's trust and friendliness to my dad, and vice versa. Meanwhile, Mom, as the Head of the Royal Magic Court and one of the people who needs to work directly with the king, who sometimes aids in underground missions, also become used to talking with him and soon become friendly, as well.

According to what they said, there are also other people who are close to the king. The king wants the people working directly with him to be friendly and close as comrades, instead of being stiff like a robot that has to watch everything they say so they won't be charged with lèse-majesté or being a hypocrite, trying to fawn over the king.

Also, also!!

Apparently, at first, Dad refused to continue the Hartmann family's reign. However, the king wanted no one but him to be one of the Four Dukes because of reasons (mainly because the Four Dukes are like four pillars of the kingdom so it must be important for the king to have a close relationship with the dukes), and so he skillfully manipulated the conditions and appointed Dad as the Hartmann family's head, and continued Dad's engagement to the Sanctuaria's young lady, who is none other than Mom.

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