Altaire's Sixth Birthday (2)

Start from the beginning

And I think there have been occasions where I got carried by my appearance and acted like a child... This is bad... or not...?

I can't decide.

"Hmm? Why do we have a little child here?"

I could hear the voice of a young man. His voice is quite deep... he seems to be in his early twenties. And his accent is strangely familiar. It is a Western accent!! He is highly likely someone I know as Reinst, then!!

I cautiously turned around.

There is the young handsome man right in front of my eyes. I have to bend my head upwards to see him! He is quite tall, perhaps as tall as Dad. His suit is elegant, and I can see that the material to make the suit is of high quality. His blonde hair sticks out in comparison with his white suit. His amber eyes are looking at me with a gentle gaze.

...I know him...

Yes, I'd definitely recognize him, even when time changes his appearance.

But... why white suit?

...Let me explain the significance of the suit color!

The Four Dukes have their respective color and emblems. When attending formal parties like this, especially other dukes' parties, the members of the dukes' families should wear clothes in their family's color, plus the emblem must be worn.

[The Hartmann family wears blue-themed clothes with a green wing emblem on their left chest.

The Grabberton family wears grey-themed clothes with a sword emblem on their right chest.

The Fumitsuna family wears black-themed clothes with red pentagram emblem on their left upper arm.

The Loera family wears white-themed clothes with a feather emblem, with a distinct gradient of color on their right upper arm.]

By the way, I am wearing a blue dress with my hairs tied in a twin tail. The green wing emblem is very apparent on my left chest.

I tried to confirm if I was just color-blind and that the man was actually wearing grey clothes. So, I peeked at his right chest... no emblem... what?

Instead, I see a feather emblem with a very distinct color pattern on his right upper arm.

"..." What kind of sorcery is this? Doppelganger phenomenon? My guess was wrong?

"Hmm, ah, you're Hartmann's youngest child, aren't you? That explains!" He squatted so that our eyes could meet with each other.

"Uhm... Mister...?"

"Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Clyde. I am also a member of the Four Dukes, can you guess from which family am I?"


Wait, what a coincidence?!

"...Are you Mister Clyde Horace?"

"You know me? Ah, then guessing from which house I am would be easy, right?"


He was my half-brother!! Clyde Horace Grabberton!!! There is no mistaking it!

But the Loera-themed clothes he is wearing is making me hesitate.

Could it be that I was reborn into a parallel world of my previous world? That explains how there are many similarities, at the same time there is a plain contradiction like this.

However, my hunch is telling me that this is the exact same world as my previous one.

So, if that's true, then... what's up with him giving me a sudden trivia?

Uhhh, what should I answer?

Is he just cosplaying right now?

Or is this a new kind of prank or event...?

Like... a prank to ask pop quiz to other nobles to know that they remember who you are?

A new trend, huh?

If that's the case, perhaps I might as well answer him clearly, while asking him a question that I'm so curious for! Who knows he might have explained what kind of event is actually happening, for him to be cosplaying in Loera clothes.

"...Eeeh, uhm, why are you in Loera-themed clothes when you're actually from Grabberton family, then?"

"...Huh? I am wearing Loera-themed clothes, yes. But have I ever told you that I am from Grabberton family?" He looks at me in wonder. Any sign of him lying or teasing me? Negative, he is totally serious!

...Was that not the right answer?

....Am I just digging my own grave?!

"So... care to explain how did you figure out I was from Grabberton family, little miss?" Clyde tilted his head in confusion, but he is still smiling at me. He is genuinely interested.


... ... ...

........CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!


Wait, wait, wait!

How can I open the menu?!

Where is the load button?!

Any quick load button?

Can I reset from my last checkpoint?!

Why isn't life a game that has checkpoints and load featureeeee, I've screwed up so bad now!

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