Chapter 25: Beach!

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3rd Person POV

They were all told to get dressed when they got to the beach, much easier for the people with opposite gender roommates. A way to prevent someone accidentally peeping in on them while changing.

Once they arrived there, boys and girls were separated into different changing rooms. The girls only had one problem in mind, worried that the girls will stare at them with their perverted minds. On the other hand, the guys were afraid that if they even take one look at the girls, they would scream and call them perverts.

Putting that in the back of their minds, they decided that it was time to actually have a bit of fun. Besides, they would come to the beach a couple times during their week on the island. The girls walked to the ocean, as quick as they can to hide their bodies by the waves, but not Mikasa. She stayed behind, sitting under the shade, waiting to talk to Eren.

*   *   *

Eren's POV

Having the hot sand burning my bare feet felt... good. But seeing Mikasa sitting under the shade... 

"Oi... Mikasa." I say, walking over to her, ignoring everyone else as they ran into the water. Once I approached her, she stood up, taking Eren's hand. "W-What are you-"

"Follow me." She says, taking us away from the beach. 

Something about this path... felt so familiar... like I walked this way with Mikasa... no, that's impossible... this is our first time here at the beach. But as I walked up to a small cliff, I remember sitting down here, and... kissing Mikasa?!

We sit down, my breath was staggering a bit after this weird dream that felt so real. My hands were still inside of Mikasa's, giving me this weird feeling inside my bones. My stomach felt so weird... fluttering weirdly. If the heat from the sun isn't the cause of my cheeks being warm... then what was it?

"M-Mikasa... what-"

"Eren, doesn't it... feel weird? You know... sitting in this spot? Like a dream?"

Chuckling softly, that was how I was feeling. "Yeah..."

"I remember this from my dream last night when I said that we were going to the beach. Do you... remember?"

"M-Maybe... Mikasa, what-"

"I-I don't care if you don't want to accept what I'm gonna say or not... but, hear me out, okay?"

Shaking my head, I did what everyone else would've done. "Last night... you wanted to listen to my nightmares that I have... so, to repay you for listening, I'll listen to whatever you have to say."

Mikasa smiles, her cheeks becoming blushed with pink. "E-Eren... when I first met you... at the airport... well, I wanted to say that... I liked you."

"Huh? What do you mean by, 'like' Mikasa?"

"What I meant is that... well... I... I... like you... m-more than a friend... you know?"

This weird feeling kept pushing me to say these words that I decided to bury under. It felt more like a confession more than a feeling... and the reason why I wanted to keep it hidden is because... well, I didn't want to be her boyfriend... 

"I-I know what you mean, Mikasa... I mean, I kinda felt the same way... before..."

"Y-You do...?"

"I-I guess so... maybe, I just need more time- or maybe I should get this out of the way before things become a problem, right?"

It was slight, but I saw it with my eyes. Mikasa scooted over, leaning her head on my shoulder... "You're right... Eren..."

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