Chapter 4: Love Triangle

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Levi and Hanji

Levi's POV

Sitting down at the science table, it was Hanji's favorite subject. Her notebooks were all decorated with different stickers for every subject. For science, it was decorated with stickers from her favorite show about titans. As much as I seen her science notebook... her handwriting was neat and clean... for every other subject, her handwriting seems messy, unable to read it correctly.

I hated this subject, hated science... but seeing how Hanji was here... I don't know how to explain it... but it was, enjoyable? The way she loved answering science-related questions, she would just light up with joy. I can see it in her eyes, sparkling with joy...

She's the only one that makes any day that seems gloomy into something so... enjoyable. Her personality is so rare... I guess that's why I don't mind her being crazy from time to time... but still, she's breathtaking. Erwin was up front, away from us. And that's when I saw it.

Hanji gazed at him, starstruck about it. Instantly, I knew she liked him... like I would fall for a crazy girl like her...

"Levi!" Snapping out of my thoughts, some people started to laugh as the teacher called my name. "Are you going to answer the question?"

"Sorry... what was it again?"

Greeted by laughter. Yeah, it seems funny that someone doesn't know a thing, but not to the person that's being spotlighted. Ms. Anderson sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "This is review, okay? What's a mole in chemistry?"

Hanji started to shake in her chair, resisting to raise her hand or to blurt the answer. Just blank to the answer. "Uh..."

Everyone laughed. "Levi, you should know this." Her eyes gazed over to the girl next to me. "Hanji, will you please tell him the answer?"

"Moles are the basic measurement in chemistry." Of course she would get it... she spoke her answer, so swift and... mesmerizing.

Ms. Anderson smiled at her, knowing that she can always rely on her for answers. "Thank you, Hanji. Now, we're still going on about reviewing last year's lessons..." Everything was just nonsense to me.

*   *   *

Minutes passed by and I nearly passed out. Who loves being in a class that was this boring? But then, something woke me from my sleepy trance. Ms. Anderson's words just... woke me.

"Now, I want you guys to pair up for this new project. Don't worry, not gonna force you guys to be partners with someone you hardly now." 

The whole class laughed, and it was something relatable. Been paired up with people I never wanted to be with, and hated it... well, Hanji was the exception... at first, I thought that she was gonna be that annoying little brat. But, she had her abilities. Soon, I was relying on her to get the project's information while I organized it, making it nice and clean.

"So, go and choose your partners. Once you're all paired up, I'll give you what you're working on."

She dismissed us, and immediately, Erwin started to make his way towards us. Step by step made my heart pound. Quickly, I turned to Hanji, who was also eyeing Erwin. I could see her eyes sparkling as he approached closer. Now or never.

"Hanji." She turns to me, breaking contact with Erwin. "Do you mind if we work together?"


Before she could answer, Erwin slammed his hand softly against the desk. "Hey, wanna work together?"

At this point, I just wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted him away... jeez, why am I getting violent with my friend? And here I was, thinking that I wasn't falling for Hanji... but I am. This weird feeling just arose in me... for some reason... like I felt this way around her before... but I never did. This was my first time actually feeling this way, but it felt that I have felt this way before. But when?

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