Chapter 1: First Day

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Part 1: Levi and Hanji

Levi's POV

"Tch, where is she?" I say, getting tense by every passing second. It was enough stress for me to take care of Hanji as she was my roommate. Now that she's late every morning- ugh, I don't even bother to wake her up.

Soon, 10 minutes passed and that Hanji never came out. School would begin in 20 minutes. Averagely takes us 10 minutes to walk there, an additional 5 minutes if we run into any trouble, leaving us 5 minutes of extra time to get to our classes.

"That's it, Hanji. I don't care if you're snoring out loud or drooling, I'm not taking my chances with you being late."

I walked back inside the apartment, climbing up the stairs to Hanji's room. We lived in the same hall, yet on different sides. We had different bathrooms, thank goodness. I can't even live to think that Hanji would tamper with my stuff.

Instead of taking a left, where my room was, I took a right. Hanji's door was decorated very childishly. Her name was written in Japanese, which she loved to write in, yet she spoke some German. Me? I speak French...

Knocking 3 times, hard against the door, I shout at the top of my lungs, "Hanji! Get up! We're gonna be late!" I banged on the door once more, shouting. Everyone in the building were at least at school... knowing this building is owned for the junior high school. Given to most of the seniors here.

I groaned, there was no way I could wake her up behind this wooden door... how did it slip my mind that she was a heavy sleeper? Gah... I have no way... I pulled out a paperclip that I had and my ID card, starting to pick the lock and open the door.

The door pops open and I was able to walk through. I don't understand how Hanji could survive in a room as dark as a cave. Her own little cave... The Hanji Cave, as she called it. Turning on the lights blinded me. Still, she never woke up.

"Hanji. Get up." I say, walking over to her bed. 

Her limp arm laid hanging out of her bed. Her blanket was on her legs. Glasses were set on her bedside table while she snored and drooled in her sleep. It disgusted me, seeing the state of her room. Piles and piles of messy clothes, papers, and even books. Her trash next to her desk was overflowing with papers, crumpled into tiny balls. 

But... this... reminded me of something. Call it a hunch, or déjà vu... but I felt that... I've been in a similar situation before. Shaking my head, it couldn't be. This room was overwhelming... sometimes, I hate my OCD.

I get real close to Hanji, close to her ear, and she's practically deaf either way. "Hanji! Get up!"

Her snoring stopped and her eyes flickered open. Whoa... the way I saw them... cute? No... it can't be. There's no way that I'm falling for her, not for a crazy scientist who's all about titans. I swear, she's not the right type for me. We're just... roommates... just roommates.

She slowly turns to me, rubbing her tired eyes. "W-Who are you? H-How did you get in here?"

"Tch, you are blind." I hand her her glasses, they felt... normal to hold. I never held them before; why was it so familiar? Déjà vu... what was it? It was like... like what Hanji once told me for her project, something about reincarnation. Did I hold these very glasses before?

Her hands felt warm as she touched my hand to retrieve her glasses. "Thanks Levi... tell me, how did you get in here?"

"Broke in."

"Jeez, can you do something that's not criminal-like? It's like you were raised in it or something."

That sentence sank deep in my heart. I did live in a criminal-like life... stealing food and small stuff, which my mother disapproves. That's why she sent me here... hoping that I'll do better. And I am. I hardly stole stuff from them... and that... Mom loved it. I felt happy... but then, I got Hanji as my roommate.

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