Nyla's Pack

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Nyla's P.O.V

I woke up on my so-called 'bed' which was a thin blanket as mother said I don't deserve anything else. I get up at 4 am to start all the pack chors as I'm the only one that does them because of my rank in the pack which is an omega, it's the lowest status you can get. 

I tiptoe on the stairs being wary of mother waking up as she'd kill me if I woke her up this early. I start on their breakfast cooking eggs and bacon, I know it is nothing fancy but I don't really have time as I have to cook for over 100 people. 

I know it's ridiculously but mother says I deserve the stress of cooking the food in time. I finish cooking everything at 6 am and I serve it on the packing table and sneak a couple of pieces for my breakfast as they don't let me eat with them because I am too 'low' of rank too. 

I hear footsteps upstairs meaning everyone is getting up and expecting breakfast, I use my wolf speed and finish serving in 5 minutes, I was just finishing one particular plate when I felt a slap on my back. I wince and turn around to my mother hitting my cheek, I grasp my cheek 

"What's wrong?" I say 

She looks at me with disgust and says, "You bitch served my plate last just to mock me, how dare you to disrespect your mother!" 

She slaps my other cheek and goes to start eating her food. Everbody soon joins in but not one thank you. I'm used to it, but just one would've been nice. I walk around the packhouse and do simple cleaning chores while people eat their breakfast. 

I walk to my so-called 'bedroom' and start to get ready for school as I start to leave in 90 minutes. I put on sweatpants and an old t-shirt I've had since I was ten. I walk downstairs and see nearly everyone has finished eating. 

I collect their plates and start washing them and it takes me an hour to wash and put away everyone's plate. I go to pack my bag for school and apply makeup to cover my bruises. My mother would kill me if I cause suspicion around other packs during school. 

She doesn't really need to worry about that. Mostly everyone at the school hates me. 

I finish applying it and begin walking to school, however, my mother had other plans as she walks in front of me. Blocking my only way out, to freedom. 

She says "Breakfast was horrible so tomorrow you will wake up at 2 am to make it better" 

I sigh and say "Yes mother"

She then walks off into the hallway and leaves me alone. Thank God.

I start walking to school which is an hour walk as mother refuses to take me. My other pack members won't either and I am not allowed to catch public transport. My pack doesn't want me to ruin their reputation, so I am forced to walk the entire way to school.


I finally arrive at school, all hot and sweaty. It is the middle of summer at the moment and mother doesn't let me wear shorts. She doesn't want me to burn people's eyes apparently. She didn't always use to be like this. She use to be very kind and sweet to me when I was younger. 

Unfortunately, my dad died by saving me from a sudden rogue attack. Ever since that very day, my mother has had a horrible grudge towards me. 

She got the pack into torturing me. She said I killed my father. No matter how many times I told them that I didn't, they never believe me. My mother always wins. 

I walk towards my locker and unpack my bag. I notice from the corner of my eye that the jocks are walking towards me. The leader, Jace is the first to speak. 

Jace says, "What up Nyla! Looking even uglier then you did yesterday! What happened? Did you get run over by a car?"

Ouch. That hurt. 

I ignored there crude comments about my appearance. I tried to walk away and not cause any attention, but Jace had different plans. 

He grabbed me and whispered, "Don't ever think you can walk away from me mutt. You're an omega and I'm higher than you, so show me some respect"

I cautiously nod and whisper, "Sorry Jace"

I didn't see why I needed to, but I didn't want to argue with him. 

I walk into my first class and prayed that no one while harras me today. I know that I won't be able to take it.

I just think about the fact that in a week I could potentially find my mate. He will take me away from this horrible place unless they are in my pack. If so, I am screwed for life. Even though a mate is meant to love you, I know I wouldn't get that from one of my pack members. 

I doubt my mate will love me. I am a very ugly girl and I am a weak wolf. I have the lowest rank in the pack. 

Who could love me?

This is the end of the chapter I hope you enjoyed it and please show it some love. What do you think of Nyla so far? and what about her mother? crazy right 

Next chapter update- 07/29

Y x

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