They Return...

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Harry was due back this afternoon. I hated him being away. I couldnt wait to have him all to myself.

Im alot bigger then the last time he saw me. And he had missed one scan, which Eleanore was more then happy to come along too. I got him photos. I laid on my back, looking at my stomach, "i cant wait to hold you" i whispered to myself.

"The boys are here!" Danielle yelled from down stairs. I attempted to get up, but it was too difficult, so i waited for Harry to find me.

Harry dumped his suitcase on the floor, and jumped onto the bed next to me.

"Missed you" He kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"I missed you, so much" i kissed his lips.

"Come on, were all going down to the pub for a while" He pulled me off the bed.

"I just want us time" i tried to hide my disappointment.

"Only for a while, i promise" He kissed my forehead.

"Another coke?" Louis shouted over the music. I shook my head. Everyone was drunking, but me. It was one of the cons to pregnancy.

I watched Harry dance around, and make a fool of himself. Drunk Harry was funny, but all i wanted to do was go home.

"Dance with me" he kissed my neck.

"Harry, i feel sick, my feet are swallown and im tired, i just want to go home" I forced a smile.

Harry pulled away from me "Your so angry these days" he walked away.

Im pregnant. Nineteen. And just want my boyfriend to spend time with me. Of course i was angry.

Eleanore and Danielle stayed with me to keep me company. We watched the boys dance around like fools. I started to feel really sick. Morning sickness didnt just happen in the morning. I spotted Harry, dancing with some blonde slut. He was grinding into the back of her....whoa, did he just kiss her?

My whole body started shaking.

"Aubree, his really drunk" Danielle grabbed onto my arm.

I yanked my arm away, and walked over to Harry.

I pushed him hard enough so he'd stumble backwards "Really Harry?" tears filled my eyes.

"You wouldnt dance with me" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Guys, come on, lets go home and sort this out" Louis said, trying to calm me down.

"I want to stay" Harry argued.

"You stay, ill go" I shoved his chest once more and made my way through the crowd.

I half expected him to follow  me. But, who was i kidding? I was huge and pregnant, and he was dancing with a beautiful, non-pregnant blonde.


"You need to go home and talk to Aubree" Louis yelled in my ear, over the music.

Then he looked at me and laughed "Actually, your a mess, maybe you should wait, go home and sleep!" He patted my back.

I rolled my eyes. Yes, i did just partly cheat on my pregnant girlfriend. But for the last two months all i could think about was how my life was going to change. I just wanted the last couple of months to be carefree, before the baby came.

"Im heading home!" I shouted over the music. Liam nodded and i was on my way.

I walked into Aubrees bedroom, and she wasnt there, i paniced, what if she had left me again?

Then i heard her sobbing in the bathroom.

I knocked lightly "Aubree, can i come sor.." i began.

"HARRY! QUICK!" she sounded scared. I pushed the door open, Aubree was standing there, holding her stomach, she looked like she was in pain.

"Somethings not right she cried"

I looked down at her pants, there was blood everywhere.

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