Time To Face The Facts...

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I woke up to Harry leaning over me. He lent down and kissed my lips.

"Hey, lets finished what we started this morning"  He slipped his hands up my shirt. His hands were cold against my skin. Our kissing got more heated.

"Wait...Harry" I pushed him back.

"Whats wrong?" He was shocked.

I sighed. This conversation had to happen sooner or later, and i was going to take the sooner.

"I have to tell you something" The butterflies in my stomach were crazy.

He sat on the side of the bed and looked at me, "Aubree, whats wrong?" He stroked my cheek.

I got off the bed and stood in front of him. He was worried. How was i suppose to tell him this? I did it the best way i could, i just said it.

"Im pregnant" I closed my eyes tight, and listened, i couldnt hear anything, apart from my own heavy breathing.

I slowly opened my eyes, Harrys eyes were on the floor.

"Harry...." my voice was shakey.

"Pregnant" His eyes looked up at me, then down to my stomach.

I opened the draw to  my bedside table and pulled out the pregnany test and handed it to him.

He looked at it for a while, in silence.

"Your getting rid of right" Harry had just asked me to get rid of our child. I hadnt even thought of abortion at all, and it was the first thing he thought of.

"no.." I hesitated.

He looked up at me in shock, and before i knew what i was doing, i took his hand and placed it on my stomach.

"We made this" I whispered. Harry flang his hand back, fast.

"Your.....Your fucking serious. You want to keep it" He raised his voice. His reaction took me by surprise.

He chucked the pregnancy test down onto the floor, and it shattered.

"Aubree, a fucking baby! We cant have a fucking baby" He shouted.

I couldnt respond, i was shaking, staring at the broken pregnancy test on the floor.

"Fuck this" He stormed out of the bedroom.

"Harry, stop! Where are you going?" I yelled, watching him walk out the front door.

"What the hell just happen?" Liam looked at me.

I started crying "You need to go and find him" i wiped the tears from my face, trying to calm myself down.

"What fucking happen Aubree" His tone was harsh. He moved closer to me. Eleanore grabbed his shoulder, "Back off Liam" He shook his shoulder.

"The last time someone stormed off like that, they nearly died" His eyes were burning into me.

"Thats why we need to go find him" Zayn said calmly.

All the boys headed down stairs, and out the front door.

"Are you ok?" Eleanore hugged me.

"Im fine, you should help the boys" I said quickly.

She gave me her concerned face.

"Please, i just need some time alone" i begged. She quickly hugged me and ran after the boys.


I walked outside into the cold afternoon air, shit, it was cold. but i didnt care, i had to get away. From Aubree. From everyone. A baby. I cant have a baby. I act like a child, how can i raise one?

"Fuck Simons going to kill me" I whispered to myself. Who cares about Simon. I Need to think about myself, and Aubree....and the baby.

I found myself sitting in the park.

"His over here guys!" I heard Niall yell from a distance. I wanted to jump up and fun away, but i had no energy and id have to face them soon anyway. I realised i had been crying, i quickly wiped my eyes dry. I felt a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing? Whats wrong?" Louis asked, his voice soothing. He took a seat next to me, Niall sat on the other side, while everyone else sat on the ground infront of me.

I buried my head into my hands.

"Harry, talk to us" Niall was rubbing my back. What would they think of me, i pretty much just ripped Aubrees heart out. I looked up, Eleanore was was staring at me. She knew. How long had she known for? How long had Aubree known for?

"Shes pregnant" the words were out before i could stop myself.

"I said to get rid of it....shes keeping it" the words kept coming.

Everyone was quiet.

"Whoa, Aubrees pregnant" Niall said, breaking the silence.

"No, im fucking joking" i rolled my eyes.

"You told her to get rid of it..." Eleanore was shocked.

Louis placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Congraduations" He said, he squeezed my shoulder tightly. Was he making a joke? I looked at his face. He was serious. He gave me a sympatetic smile.

"Lets face it Haz, you dont really have the best reputation when it comes to girls" His right. Im with one girl one week, and with another the next. But im nineteen, isnt that what im suppose to do?

"Your Different with Aubree, you really like her, anyone can tell" His right, ive never told a girl id loved them before.....except for mum and Gemma, and now Aubree.

"A baby Harry, thats wonderful, you will be an amazing father" Doubt flooded me. No i wont. I dont know anything about babies. Or pregnancy. Liam must have seen the doubt on my face.

"You have us to help you" He said calmly.

"This  baby is amazing news, and its one lucky child" He added.

I wouldnt be alone doing this alone. I have Aubree, and the boys. And there is no way id Let Aubree do it alone. I needed to get home, and see Aubree.

My lips turned up into a smile "A baby" i whispered.

"A baby" everyone said it together.

I started walking back towards the flat, leaving the others behind.

"What are you doing now!" Louis shouted.

"I need Aubree" I shouted back.

I walked in the front door, ran up the stairs to Aubrees room, she wasnt there.

"Harry, you need to see this!" Liam shouted from the kitchen.

I ran down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Liam handed me a letter.

A Twisted Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ