Chapter Twenty-four

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Your P.O.V.

The security broke up the little fight that had started between Travis and the guy that got hit with a cupcake.
Thankfully no one was charged and we could still go to Love~Love~Paradise.
Travis was having a major nose bleed from the punch, so he had to hold tissue to it.
He was pretty unhappy about this since he needed both hands.
"You guys went here before, right?" Pet looked at Travis and Zane.
Zane nodded, "Yeah...uh don't force me down the water slides." He said quickly.

"Huh? Why?" Pet and I asked in unison.
To this Travis burst into laughter.
"Shut up." Zane glares at Travis with a growing red face.
"I'm confused." I looked back and forth at both men.
"Don't worry about it babe." Tavis chuckled lightly, sounding a bit different because of the tissue held to his nose.
I shook my head and followed the guys with Pet by my side.
We looked around in amazement.
There was a gigantic beach, the sand was almost sparkling because of the sun.
The water that splashed on to shore shimmered and gleamed.
 The sky was so blue with almost no clouds in sight.
In the distance I could see the water park.
I was too busy looking around me to realize that we were at the place we'd be staying in.
I almost mistook it for a work building it was so big.
We entered it, making me more surprised.
It was huge on the inside!
It had a kicthen, living room,  and tons of rooms to sleep in!
It had three floors.
Three floors!
I almost fainted.
We chose rooms to stay in, Travis and I decided to take a room with a great view of the beach.
I was staring outside at the memorizing sea when arms wrapped around my shoulders.
A head rested on top of mine and I was rocked back and forth.
"You wanna go for a walk on the beach?" Travis asked.
"Yeah," I smiled, "I'd like that."
 I stole one of Travis' hoodie since it was chilly out.
We walked hand in hand along the beach, underneath the night sky.
The cold splashes of water that went over our feet felt nice.
"You like it here?" 
I nodded, looking up at Travis, "Yeah. It's so beautiful."
"A beautiful place for a beautiful lady~"
I laughed lightly, "Shush."
He chuckled, "You think we should set up Zane and Pet on a date?"
"Yes. I thought you'd never ask." I smirked.
He returned the expression, "I know what my lady wants, I know how to make her happy."
"Oh do you?" I raised an eyebrow, testing him.
'Yup.I also know how to make her...hate me."
Before I could react, he picked me up bridal style and ran out into the water.
I clung to him, "GAH! NOnonononono NO! Travis if you let me go you get no more hugs!"

I smiled, he would want hugs so he won't do it. an evil look crept over his face I knew what we was going to do.
And... he threw me.
Yep, he threw me like he was tossing a bale of hay.
I shrieked, feeling the cold water wrap over me.
I popped my head out of the water and glared at Travis.
He laughed so hard that he was crying.
I walked over to him, my clothes clinging to my skin.
"You suck."
"I know!" He continued to laugh.
I need revenge.
I got behind him and with a mighty jump I got on to his back.

"AH! COLD COLD COLD!" He tried to knock me off.
I laughed evil and put all my weight on him, it was honestly enough to topple him over.
I laughed at him when he glared up at me.
He splashed water at me, so I had no choice but to splash him.
We were there for a while.
Splashing each other and laughing until we got tired.
When I could barely keep my eyes open, Travis scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the place we were staying in.
Through we left puddles of water everywhere, he kept carrying me to our room.
"I can stand, Travis." He nodded and let me down.
"I'll go get towels, get out of your wet clothes. I don't want my lady to get sick."
I smiled and watched him walk off into the bathroom.
I tossed the soaked sweater of my body and started getting out of my shirt.
"Got the towelsss~" Travis hummed, I felt one wrap around me.
Travis had his arms around me as well and kissed my cheek.
"H-Hey! I said no hugs!" I pouted, slipping my pants off.
Travis frowned, but his eyes lit up.
"What?" I questioned.
"Nothing~" He smirked and got out of his clothes as well.
His built body was enough to make me drool.
I snapped out of my thought and shook the towel off.
I got out of my bra and underwear, starting to get dressed in new underwear, pajama pants and a tanktop.
Travis stared at me.
"Hm?" I looked over at him.
"'re just so beautiful."
I blushed lightly, he got into his pajama pants and walked over to me.
He cupped my cheek and kissed my lips softly.
"Would you ever want to....try again?"
"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.
He avoided my eyes though.
"For a baby. Would you want to try again?"

Updates Hopefully Every Saturday

I'll be by your side. ~Travis x Reader MystreetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon