Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V.
"Y/n!!! COME ON WE GATTA GO NOW OR WE'LL MISS THE BUS!!" My roommate yelled at me.
I opened my eyes, "WE HAVE SCHOOL WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER MOM!!?!" I yelled jumping out of bed.
My roommate soon laughed falling to the floor.
"WHAT!?!" I yelled back, "Not school ya nut!" She said getting up.
"Huh?" I asked, "We're moving today! Come on get dressed! My cars ready and the guys already took our stuff!" She said shuffling out of my room.
God Pet can be so weird sometimes..
But I can too..only around her though..
I've never really opened up to people not since Greg.
I shrugged and quickly got dressed in some pants and a sweater. When I walked outside I saw Pet in a sweater and short shorts. She was holding her dog Jazzy. "They got your drums loaded?" I asked her. She nodded opening the door for me to get in. I got into the car sleepily laying my head back on the seat.
"Let's go!" She said starting up the car.
We soon pulled up to a beautiful big house, I smiled as the car stopped. "Come on!" Pet said getting out of the car. I sleepily got out of the car, we then waited for the moving truck.
Finally after about five minutes the moving truck was here.
Pet and I then started un loading boxes, god this is going to take a while..
Pet groaned in pain as she lifted half of the sofa into the house. I lifted the other half.
We soon place it down, "!" Pet said wiping her forehead. We soon walked back outside. Pet stared at her drums..
"How in the name of Irean are we going to lift this?" She asked pointing to her drums. I shrugged, "Neighbours?" I questioned. Pet froze looking at maybe, something behind me? I felt eyes burning in my back.. I quickly turned around seeing three men.
One with white hair, one with blonde and one with brown.
"Umm..can we help you?" I asked bluntly.
"Surrre ya can baby~" the white haired one said wiggling his eyebrows.
I took a step backwards, "Sorry about him!" The blonde one spoke up, "Yeah..he's.. a pervert..." the brown haired on said.
I stared at them blankly.
"Hi I'm Pet!" Pet quickly said, thank Irean I was dying from the awkwardness!
"Nice to meet you! I'm Garroth, this is Laurence and this is Travis!" Garroth said pointing to them.
"Aren't you going to say your name baby?~" Travis asked smirking.
I cleared my throats and did in a quiet voice that you could barley hear, "Y/n.."
"What?" Garroth questioned?
"y/n.." I said even quieter.
Their eyebrows furrowed.
I stared at the ground... Jeez Pet please just say my name instead!
"Her name is Y/n!" Pet said kicking my leg, "OW!" I yelled holding it.
"Now ya speaking louder!" Travis said I let go of my leg, I glared at Pet, Pet mouthed sorry. " Sense your here would you guys mind if you helped us out?"Pet asked. "Sure we can do that!" Laurence said.
The rest of them agreed and helped us lift all of Pets band equipment, "THERES SO MUCH!" Whined Travis, "Yeah well that's the cons about being in a band, so much stuff!" Pet said carrying a few sheets, I carried a drum with Travis.
"Now, I have a question why is this pretty lady not speaking?" Travis asked pointing at me, "Well.." Pet started,
I glared at her, telling her not to tell the whole story.
"Well.. she has really bad people skills and only talks loud around me! I'm trying to get her to open up to people!
Maybe you could help!" Pet said.
"Hmm..sounds like to me she needs some T.L.C." Travis said.
"What?" Pet asked, "Travis love and care!" Travis said putting down the drum. I then slapped him on the cheek.
"Y/n!" Pet said gritting her teeth. "Sorry.." I said in a quiet whisper.
We shook it off and continued unpacking.
We finally finished YES!
"Y/n! Please try and talk to them before they go!" Pet pleaded. I sighed and nodded. She smiled and handed me cookies to give them. I walked up to them, "Thanks, for helping.." I said trying to sound loud.
"Speak up." Garroth said, "Thanks for helping." I said bluntly in my normal voice.
"Ok, now your sounding like you didn't appreciate our help.." Laurence said, "THANKS FOR HELPING NOW SHUT UP AND TAKE THE COOKIES!" I yelled bluntly shoving the cookies in their arms and shutting the door.
"Y/n!" Pet whined, "Sorry!" I apologized.
She sighed and plopped on the couch.
I sat next to her, "Want me to get some tea?" I asked her. "Smoothie please." She said, I nodded, grabbed my wallet and left. I took out my phone playing our last band track, I sang to it while I went to get smoothies.

Me being me, I tripped probably on AIR. I felt the impact of the ground, ow... I got up dusting my legs off. Soon I finally got the smoothies. I walked back home and gave Pet her smoothie she said she was just gunna set up the wii u and x box with cable. So I decided to leave for the park.
I sighed and sat on the bench at the park.
I sat until all the kids left. And then.. rain..
Great. Hopefully not a- I was cut off by my thought when thunder ran through my ears, I looked to see a shock of lightning. Oh no! I quickly got up running towards home, then I slipped and fell straight into the mud.
"Just my luck.." I mumbled getting up.
I walked home with my hands in my pockets and my head looking down. I felt the rain on my back hard, it felt just like the same day when Greg told me he loved me... lies. All lies.
I soon felt no rain?
I stoped and turned around to see Travis with his umbrella over our heads. "T-thanks." I say bluntly and keep walking. We walk to my house, "Pet! I'm home!" I said opening the door.
"It's raining like crazy!! LETS GO OUTSIDE!" Pet cheered, "Noway, you'll get sick!" I said. She pouted,
And Travis chuckled.
"Well.. I got it all set up!" Pet said throwing a controller at me. Which, hit my head, "OW!" I said holding it.
"OH MY IREAN IM SO SORRY!" Pet said jumping off the couch and running over to me. "I-its fine." I said bluntly picking the controller up and sitting on the couch.
"Well, I'm just gunna hang with you ladies~" Travis said sitting in between us. I rolled my eyes, Pet soon turned on super smash bros, I will beat her this time!!
I picked Kirby and she picked Sonic.
And like always she won!
"Urgh! You always win!" I childishly whined.
"Ha, you gatta up your game!" Pet said getting up and walking up stairs, "I'll be back in a second!" Pet said disappearing up stairs. Soon she came back down with the loser sweater she smiled at me, I sighed took off my old sweater that was full of mud and put on the white sweater that said in black print, 'I LOST TO PET'
I have my own thats black with white print that says, 'I LOST TO Y/N'
But..she has never wore it yet!
"You look cute in that~" Travis cooed, "Shutup." I said.
He smirked and moved closer beside me, then put his arm around me and scooted closer.
"Move back before I punch your gut." I said, "You won't do that~" Travis said,
"ILL GET THE SHOVEL!! OR DO YOU WNAT THE GLASS?" Pet called, "Neither.." I mumbled and shut my eyes. I haven't slept in two dayzzz!!
I closed my eyes falling asleep.
Hey guys hope you actually like the new book! If you do please leave a comment, go check out KikichanArtist she's amazing!!! If you want you can check out my other books too! YE!
And remember STAY KAWAII-Pet~Senpai is out

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