Chapter fifteen

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Your P.O.V.
My eyes tiredly opened, my vision a bit blurry from just waking up.
I turned over on my side flinging the blanket the covered me over my head just wanting to go back to sleep..
What a second...
Wait a f*cking second..
My eyes widen realizing where I was.
I layed on a couch my face now stuffed in Travis's chest, his breathing steady and heavy.
I took the blanket off of my head and looked around.
I'm at Dante and Travis's house.
Travis's arms were wrapped around me kinda tightly, like he would never let go..
Netflix was on the TV showing that the movie we watched ended.
The popcorn bowl that was on the coffee table was empty.
I remember now... the fancy meal, the dance, cheesy music, Netflix... I was on a date.
"Mmm~ oh... your awake~" Travis suddenly said making me flinch.
He chuckled at me reaction.
His raspy voice made me have a slight blush, but I hid it and turn on my side to face him.
"Are you ready for the other half of our date?~" hummed Travis and let a yawn escape his mouth, I giggled and yawned right after!
UGH! Yawns are so contagious!!
He chuckled, and sat up making me sit on his lap with the blanket wrapped around me somehow.
"Is my hair a mess?" Travis asked with a raised eyebrow.
I giggled when I saw his hair ruffled up, so I reached to his head and pat down the hair that stuck up.
"Thanks!" He chuckled, setting me down on the couch and started to stretch.
"ALRIGHT! Follow me Madame~" Travis said suddenly full of energy, he held his hand out for me, waiting for me to take it.
I took it letting him lead me away from the couch and upstairs.
He led me into his bedroom, I saw a grin go across his face, making me a little nervous.
He sat me down on the bed, and soon ran to his window, pushing it open.
I raised my eyebrow confused on what he was doing.
"C'mon!" He said and climbed out the window, disappearing form my sight.
I hesitantly walked toward the window, and started climbing out.
A hand soon in front of my face, I gripped it with mine and let Travis pull me up to the roof.
I sat on his lap, in a little shock, his arms protectively were wrapped around me making sure I didn't fall.
"Are you ready for more of our date?~" he asked, with a smirk.
I nodded too lost for words.
He cleared his throat a little blush rising to his cheeks.
"I'm not as good as you so.. don't make fun! But I write this for you!" Travis said obviously a little nervous.
"Hehe, I won't.. but what are you doing?" I asked.
"Y-you'll see.." he said..
Did he just... stutter!?!
He cleared his threat once more and began.

I began crying I let my hands cover my mouth as my tears streamed out of my eyes.
Travis's eyes widened and held me close to his chest, rubbing circles on my back.
I sniffled trying to get rid of the tears but they kept coming.
Travis let go of our hug but still held me, he moved one of his arms so his hand cupped my cheek.
He used his thumb to wipe my tears away as I nuzzled my face into his palm.
"Are, you ok?" He asked with concern.
"Travis..." I said, he waited patently for me to finish.
"TRVAIS YOU IDIOT, COME HERE!" I yelled making him shock, I cupped his cheeks with my hands and kissed him passionately, he kissed back, wrapping both arms back around me, and deepened the kiss.
We parted for air as I looking into his dilated eyes.
My tears came slower now, and I just sniffled.
"Y/n...." he said pressing his fore head on my and nuzzling his nose with mine.
"I love you." We said at the same time, making each other laugh.
"This is why I want to date you, Travis..." I mumbled to myself.
"Hm?" He asked.
"Huh?! Oh... nothing Travis... thank you." I said.
"For what?" He asked.
"For this date... can we uh..." I said trailing off into thought.
"Can we finally be official, because now you realize I'm an amazing man!?" Travis said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes letting heat rise to my cheeks, but I nodded.
He chuckled, "Yeah.. ya know I was hoping this to be at the end of our date but psh I'll take it now!" Travis said, I giggled wrapping my arms around his and nuzzling into his chest.
He patted my hair and we sat in a comfortable silence.
I do truly love him..
He is perfect... he nows how to make me feel worth something, how to make me happy..
And that I can say is truly amazing.
His body warmth warmed me up so to me the chilly wind felt like nothing.
A car soon pulled up in the drive way to Travis and Dantes house.
And out of the car came Dante.
"Oh no." Travis said quickly standing up making me scream as I was lifted into the air, and began to slide.
Travis had lost his balance and now we both were sliding down the roof.
I gripped to his shirt, and shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see where this was going,to end, but I slowly opened my eyes when I felt warmth.
I was inside of Travis's room, but HOW!?!
"Quickly!! Into the closet!" He said in  a whisper like tone.
"But--","Quick!" Travis said interrupting me.
I quickly ran into his closet and sat on a pile of clothes.. I don't wanna know if these are clean or dirty.
My ear pressed up against the closet door trying to listen what they were talking about.
"Travis.. why is there fancy food and cheesy romantic music on in the kitchen?" Dante asked.
" Can't a guy want to eat fancy food and listen to cheesy romantic music when he wants to!?!" Travis said.
I bit the insides of my cheeks trying not to let a giggle escape me.
"Jeez dude, is it your time of the month or what?!" Joked Dante.
I covered my mouth now trying to make sure I didn't laugh.
"Shut up! Now let me enjoy my quiet in my room. ALONE." Travis huffed.
"Sheesh, I'll right. I brought home a special something for a special someone!~" hummed Dante.
"Oh yeah? Who and what?" Travis asked.
"For you and it's the cake you've been wanting!" Dante said.
"Awesome! I'll have it later man! Now GO!" Travis said.
I heard some distance footsteps then a door close.
The door of the closet soon opened, Travis stared down at me, reaching his hand out.
Gladly, I took it letting him help me up.
"Let's continue this at, my house? Pet is usually out at this time to work on projects in school." I said.
"Hold it. Pet goes to school?" Travis asked squinting at me with confusion.
"Oh right! Well though she's an amazing drummer--
(Why thank you!!)
Your the one that wrote that so basically your complementing yourself. That's sad.
(Shut up! And stop breaking the fourth wall!!)
Ok ok.. whatever...
"Oh right! Well though she's an amazing drummer she didn't finish her college years for becoming a veterinarian.
That's what she originally wanted to be, the college accepted her not living in a dorm if she lived close to the school, so that's one of the reasons we moved here." I said.
"What about you? Do you go to school?" Travis asked.
I giggled and shook my head.
"Completed my years! Pet was held back two." I said.
Travis nodded understanding now.
"Alright! Out the window?" I asked with a grin.
"Out the window!" Travis said heading towards it.
I followed him with a smile on my face.
I'm really happy I decided to go to this street, to become open with Travis to meet him here to have this date, to be near him, and most of all...
To be dating him.

I'll be by your side. ~Travis x Reader MystreetWhere stories live. Discover now