Chapter seventeen

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Your P.O.V.
I woke up the next morning feeling, awful!
I groaned and sat up rubbing the back of my neck.
My stomach felt like it's was doing 20 flips every second.
"Mmgh~ mornin." Travis said, his tired eyes gazing into mine.
"Ugh, I feel horrible..." I groaned.
Travis raised an eyebrow, "Why is that?" He asked.
"I'm probably just sick, there's a stomach flu going around. You should go home." I said.
"What? No if your sick then I'm staying." Travis said sitting up in bed now.
"I don't wanna get you sick.~" I groaned.
Travis paused then let out a sigh.
"Alright. Call me if you need ANYTHING. I'll be right there." Travis said and began to gather his things.
I watched him leave my room, I flopped back on the bed holding my stomach.
Whatever. I'm just sick.
Pet barged into my room, I didn't expect her to be back so soon.
"I thought you had another day away." I said fighting back a groan.
"I did but when Travis told me you didn't feel well I came home. Even though I'm terrified of sick people." Pet huffed.
A plastic bag hung form her arm.
"So uh, Y/n.. have you done, anything?" Pet asked with a smirk.
"Yeah.. I've slept, ate, showered, breathed.. loads of stuff." I said trying not to think about the shower part.
"Are you sure allll?" Pet asked.
"Yeahhh?" I said more like a question.
"Was Travis here?" Pet asked with a gigantic smirk.
I nodded, not understanding of what she meant.
Pet shoved her hand into the plastic bag digging around it in.
She then pulled it out and was gripping a pregnancy test.
My face went beat red and I stuffed it in the nearby pillow.
"NOOOO!!!" I groaned.
"YESSSSS!!" Pet smirked, she ran over to me and dragged me out of bed, and into the bathroom.
I took the test and waited for the results.
My breath hitched as I saw what was on it...
I felt like crying.
Tears of joy, that is.
Pet hugged me, "I KNEW IT!" I yelled breaking the silence.
I blushed out of embarrassment.
"So is it... official yet, I mean that you two are dating? Cause if you aren't that would be really weird..." Pet asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah.. we're dating.." I said my face still looking like a tomato.
Pet fangirled and grinned, "Now.. you HAVE to tell everyone your dating!" She said happily.
"What!?! No! I-i can't!" I said nervously
"Come on! This will be good to get off your chest! Plus you have to tell Travis about you having his babies!" Pet said wiggling her eye brows.
"Ok..fine.. I'll throw a party, invite everyone and tell everyone there.. I just wanna tell Travis alone." I said clenching my eyes shut.
Pet nodded agreeing to the idea.
"I'll go set up some decorations! Cya!" Pet said realizing that I'd probably need some time alone.
She ran out of the bathroom leaving me to my thoughts.
I'm pregnant.
Good think the belly doesn't show. Phew.
I stood in the living room, music played, there was loads of food, and drinks.
I had sent a big group message to the whole street is guess saying they were invited to a party.
A few asked what the occasion was, but I didn't answer them.
Soon there was a knock at my door, everyone was here already.
Everyone was laughing, dancing, singing, drinking, eating, just have a good time.
I hung out on the side lines with Travis, I talked it over with him about telling everyone that we were dating.
He agreed and was happy to tell everyone.
Near the end of the party, I stopped the music making everyone turn to Travis and I.
"Can everyone come into the living room... I have something to say." I squeaked.
They all listened and gathered into the living room.
Making me a little nervous.
But I pushed the nervousness to the back of my head and focused on what I needed to say.
"I have an announcement." I said, everyone was watching and waiting patently.
"Travis and I... we're dating.." I said.
"WE KNEW IT!" Dante and a Pet soon yelled making everyone laugh.
Everyone cheered and was really supportive.
I smiled feeling the new braveness in myself.
I'm going to take a risk.
"I have another announcement." I said, everyone was quiet and turned to me.
I held Travis's hand and squeezed it.
"I'm pregnant." I said closing my eyes.
Pure silence.
"WHAT!?!?" Travis yelled breaking the silence, I opened my eyes to see tears picking his.
I nodded slowly, tears building up in my eyes.
Did he not want to have babies?
Does he still love me?
But I got my answer.
He hugged me tightly and lifted me up into the air.
He was smiling widely and kissed me deeply.
"Your.. your not mad?" I asked when we broke the kiss.
"No! Never! IM SO HAPPY! IM GOING TO BE A FATHER!!" Travis said, everyone began to cheer and congratulate us.
All I could do was cry tears of joy and hug Travis tightly.
I love him.. so much..
"I love you..." Travis said kissing my forehead.
"I love you too." I said snuggling into his arms.
I could never ask for more then this.

I'll be by your side. ~Travis x Reader MystreetWhere stories live. Discover now