Chapter Twenty-Eight FINALE

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Your P.O.V.

"M-MARRIED?!" Everyone seems to shout in unison as Travis happily holds up my hand showing off the emerald engagement ring. It's only been two days since Travis and I went back home from Love~Love~Paradise along with Zane and Pet. They were obviously the first two to know about it, and now we were confessing to the whole street.

"Look at that Travis, you're finally committing to something." Katelyn pokes fun, a lazy smirk resting on her pale face with her chin propped in the palm of her hand.

Travis stands behind me, one hand snuggly resting on my waist while his other hand holds mine that has the ring on it. He rolls his eyes, "Ha, Ha, you're just upset cause now you don't have my booty. Now reserved for Y/n." He chuckles making me shake my head with a light laugh.

"Congrat's you two!" Aphmau grins at us, bubbily as ever, "Let Kawaii-Chan bake your cake! Please please please pleeeeaaasssseeee?" Kawaii-Chan begs the both of us, "Relax KC, I was gonna ask you anyway girl." Travis grins at her, making the pink haired meifwa squeal in excitement, "KAWAII-CHAN MUST PREPARE!" With that the happy cat girl runs off.

Dante walks over and slings an arm around Travis, "Well done bro, you landed a hot one." I glare at him, "I'll land a punch on you." Dante laughs nervously, "Right, engaged, shouldn't compliment you like that."

I giggle, "Yeah, you need to get yourself someone to date Dante."

"Nicole!" Katelyn seems to shout from the kicthen, "I dOn'T like her that way!" "Good, I still have to rip you apart!" Katelyn sneers. "Dante out!" Dante scrambles off, probably realizing that Katelyn is in the kitchen with many knives around her.

"You two sure you're ready for that kind of commitment?" Aaron questions us, crossing his arms with an unsure look. Travis smirks and pulls my back closer to his chest, "Relax Aarronnnn, I get it, you're jealous cause I'm getting married and you still haven't married Aph."

I glare at Travis now and elbow him in the ribs making him groan. "Ignore him, Aaron. But I'm positive we're ready. I mean we almost had a baby together so... I think that's a bigger commitment than marriage honestly." I let out a breath and smile up at the male who sighs and runs his tan fingers through his inky black locks.

"If you're sure..."

I nod, "I know this wasn't a mistake..." "Damn right it wasn't! I'm gonna treat you so much you won't be able to know how to function again!" Travis cheers from behind me, making me jab my elbow into his ribs again. Cue him groaning.

"It's just..." Aaron mutters, "After seeing that douchebag that used to date you crash that party. It makes me angry thinking how someone like him could treat another human being like that.. To the point where you barely spoke."

My muscles stiffen and my stomach churns, I haven't thought about...him in so long. My thoughts have been nothing but my life right now, my life right now with Travis and all my new friends. My new life, that has had some rocky parts but has been better than the time before.

"I wish I had done something...But Pet was the only one to step up." Aaron's fists clench. I bite the inside of my cheek. "Aaron...are you comparing Travis to Greg?" I ask calmly. Saying his name makes me feel disgusted. He doesn't deserve a name...he doesn't deserve to be humanized.

"Sorry...Didn't mean to make it seem that way."

I feel arms snake around me more, a chin rests on my head, "Aaron, I can assure you, I'd never treat anyone like that. C'mon we're friendssss, you know me! I wouldn't treat another person like that...ever. Especially Y/n."

I'll be by your side. ~Travis x Reader MystreetWhere stories live. Discover now