'Not now' I scold myself. I begin to write my paper neatly.

After a few minutes the bell rings and the clattering of our pens can be heard. The substitute teacher collects our papers and I sigh.

That was easy.

I look back to Xavier and ask, "How was the paper?"

"Suprisingly good," he replies with a smug smile on his face.

I kind of tilt my head to the right side pressing my lips into a thin line and get up from my seat taking my bag along with me.

He gets up too with his hands in his pockets and says, "Lead the way, love."

I nod and start walking, Xavier behind me. He starts speaking once we are in the hallways, "I am sorry about that day."

"It's fine,"

"Are you sure?" he questions me and I nod with a bright smile on my face.

He makes eye-contact with someone and his soft blue coloured eyes turn stone hard.

His smile disappears from his place and he looks down on me and says, "Go eat lunch with the boys Katrina. I'll be there, in a few."

His voice is cold. He looks dangerous and for the first time I am scared for the first time. From him. I nod and start walking ahead stealing glances when I walk ahead.

I look to where his eyes are trained and see an unfamiliar boy. He has got big brown eyes, a set jawline.

When he catches me staring he winks catching the attention of Xavier. When he sees the attraction between the unnamed boy and me, his glare hardens causing the boy to smirk. A smirk. A sly smirk is what he offers to Xavier. Xavier looks at me, his eyes warning me to leave and not look back.

So that is what I do.

I walk ahead not looking back following his orders that his eyes told me.

* * *

"Stay still!" I exclaim to the blue-eyed boy sitting in front of me causing Nathan, Jordan and Ashton to chuckle.

Xavier glares at them making them shut up quicker than lightening bolt and I, too, can't help the smile coming on my face.

I apply rubbing alcohol in order to clean his wounds causing him to hiss in pain.

Not understanding what is happening. Allow me to break this down for you. After I left the hallways, this stupid boy got himself in a fight with the new one boy whose name I recall was Winston. He won the fight but obviously, Winston got a few good punches. And due to his rings, Xavier got cuts on what he calls his 'perfect face.'

Yeah! Almost felt laughing at that.

The cuts aren't deep but will take a few days to heal. He catches my arm causing me to stop nursing his wounds and hiss in pain.

My cuts aren't healed properly, yet. Nathan says that will heal in a few more days. He checks my wounds almost every other day and I frankly don't object.

I am fine with it. Anyways, getting back to the topic, Xavier got injured and he wouldn't let anyone touch his face. It took some skill and blackmailing for letting me help him.

"I am really fine, love," he says taking my hand away from his face, "You don't need to worry about me."

"Can't you just accept the damn help, I am giving you!"

"It's nice to know that you worry about me so much, love," he says smirking.

I groan in frustration. Why does he have to be so difficult? Have patience. Patience is virtue.

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