Chapter 20: At the hospital

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Before getting into this chapter,
Hello im the new author and my wattpad account is MeGaLoVaNia13 . Please go and support me!!
The old author has quit Wattpad for few days now.She wanted me to continue this book for her so she gave me this account.
Hope you enjoy my crappy writing! :)
"JAIDENNNNNNN!!!" James suddenly wakes up and screams.

He soon realizes he is now in a hospital with his friends besides his bed, surprised by his scream recently. There are Tabbes,Dom, Rebecca,Adam and Shgurr are sitting here with him specifically.

Adam: "Okay, calm down man. Jaiden is fine. She is right next to you!"

James turns right to see Jaiden is laying on another bed, sleeping.

Rebecca: "The doctor said she is in good condition but she is gonna be sleeping for a few days or less"

James: "Thanks god..."

Dom: "No! Thanks to you man. According to what the doctor said, you did CPR on her right?"

James blushes hard: "Ye-Yeah..thats..thats right"

Tabbes: "It took hours for us to finally found you two. God, we are super worried you know, especially Rebecca, she cried a lot"

Rebecca gets annoyed: "HEY!"

Dom laughs: "Hahaha yeah such a cry baby"

Rebecca gets more annoyed: "DOM! Stop making fun at me"

Shgurr stops Dom and Tabbes: "Okay guys, thats enough. I know that you guys almost cried too when we are searching for them"

Adam: "Yeah, even i have to admit myself that i did cry a little"

Dom: "True, true."

Tabbes: "How about we form a 'crybaby club' for the class?"

Everyone laughs slightly at Tabbes' joke.

James: "Thank you guys for worrying about us"

Rebecca: " Yeah i have to thank you too for saving my best friend"

James: "Thats what friends do right? Helping each other when needed. If only Jaiden realized that too so that she wont do stupid thing like that again"

Shgurr: "Yeah but i thought you guys said she had already gone through her depression. What pushed her back to that same condition"

Dom: "This is really weird huh? Everything happened too quickly and out of nowhere"

Adam: "Hmm...i guess she has been rejected by her crush or something like that.."

Both James and Rebecca surprised by Adam's words.

James blushes hard: "Hey hey Adam, what are you talking? Jaiden doesn't seem like a person who would love anybody right?"

Adam: "True..."

Rebecca: "Ye-Yeah i can confirm that because i know her more than anyone else"

Tabbes: "Why do you two look so worried? Adam just speculated things"

James: "Oh yeah, yo-you right?"

Rebecca: "Sorry. There has been a lot of stuffs happened in my head now so...yeah"

James and Rebecca smiles awkwardly

Everyone still looks suspicious about these two, except for Shgurr who has been silent, looks like she got the right idea of what is going on.

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